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Adam Lambert "Winner of American Idol" And Currently Touring With Queen Is Listed At #10 "Most Flamboyant Gay Celebrities Of All Time"

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Thursday, February 19, 2015

Posted at : Thursday, February 19, 2015

From Q News, Australia: 

"The Ten Most Flamboyant Gay Celebrities Of All Time"

#10 Adam Lambert

"Adam Lambert might still be relatively new to the public eye compared to the others on the list, however he has achieved a lot in a short period. Winner of American Idol, Lambert has revived glam rock in recent years with his out loud and proud theatrical and androgynous performance style. So impressed with his stage presence, the surviving members of Queen invited Lambert to take on arguably the toughest assignment in music – trying to fill the shoes of the late Freddie Mercury as part of Queen’s world tour. Lambert took up the challenge an received critical acclaim for his efforts honouring Mercury while maintaining his own style."

Link to Article: see who else is on the Top 10 List


Anonymous said...

Check out the link he is on the list with some greats.

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

Zurich videos can be found here:

Videos are okay but the audio is good .. these are on stage side vids ... different view

tess4ADAM(Lambert Outlaw)

glitzylady said...

Thanks Tess, I actually just posted those at about the same time you were posting your comment.. check out the latest threads x 2.. :)

glitzylady said...

I would have posted them earlier but I'm having computer issues...

May be time for a new computer!!! Don't want to have too many delays getting things posted timely!!!

Anonymous said...

Gosh he is named among some of the worlds greatest talents. I am amazed that his name is on the list of The most flamboyant gay celebrities of all time. He is only 33 and really has only been noticeable as a performer, for a few years. Has this come from his
being connected to Queen. I know he was flamboyant before that, but only his own fans knew him. With his connection to Queen he has been exposed to people world wide, with much much bigger venues than when he did his own tours. It's a strange kind of honor, but only a few have achieved it. I don't think his personal lifestyle is very flamboyant, compared to the others.

Anonymous said...

WOOHOO!!! Elton, Freddie & Adam. :-)))

Anonymous said...

Winner of American Idol . . . we knew that! . . . LOL

Dee R Gee said...

Yes, Adam is really in good company on that list. And his career is still young. He has so much yet to achieve. And I always smile when I read "Winner of American Idol."

Anonymous said...

Most flamboyant?

Usually when he is called flamboyant we are upset.

The Dark Side said...

Wow that's some elite company Adams with and richly deserved. I believe he is much more well known than just his Die Hard fans. He has already made a deep impact by being entirely open from the beginning. He's brought a great deal to the bring back glam rock arena.

Anonymous said...

Johnny Wier got an honorable mention. That surprised me the most.
Adam is flamboyant , but didn't realize this was an honor for gay people ALL over the world. It is part of him that people enjoy so much. Then again some people don't like him based on him being gay. He has had so many challenges to face, but with shear determination he faces them all, and is finally now being recognized for his talent. I think that WB know they have a very hot commodity on their hands, and I am sure they will back him like nobody else has, (not naming names)

Anonymous said...

I wish we could get away from referring to Adam as the gay celebrity, that gay singer, etc. He is an amazing singer who just happens to be gay. Is that reference going to follow him the rest of his career? Let's focus on his superb vocal talent, his mesmerizing stage presence, his charm and sense of humor. Sure he plays it up on stage esp. while performing "Killer Queen", but there is so much more to Adam Lambert as we all have seen if you are a fan. Those of us who know Queen's music with Freddie Mercury know he was gay, but from what I have read, he never acknowledged his sexuality publicly because of his parents and their religion. It's wonderful to read that Adam won Idol(don't we wish?), but enough of this gay singer label for a man who so much more on all levels.

Anonymous said...

At this point I don't wish that he won American Idol; they treat him like the winner that he really is! Adam is a winner in life and that is most important. He is doing just fine thank you; without that title. He said he wanted the exposure and got itin spades!!!

As far as them mentioning he is gay mostly on these concert reviews, I think it is because he is taking the role that Freddies had as front man; and since Freddie was a Gay man; they are trying to mention the things they had in common.

I don't think when he is back in America and working on his own music that they will even be talking about his sexuality. I don't see them talking about other Gay men's sexuality when it comes to their craft as much!!

It is wonderful that Adam is proud of who he is just as all humans beings should be. I know I am very, very proud of him and very proud to be his fan!!

Anonymous said...

Freddie didn't talk about his orientation (it's not sexuality) for more reasons than his parents. It was because there was so little acceptance then. There was fear it would kill his career.

Anonymous said...

There are still some people that have that fear now; and this is probably keeping others from coming out that may be afraid to also. Actually this applys to all walks of life.