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From Freddie Mercury's Personal Assistant RE Queen + Adam Lambert Prague Concert: "I'm..Happy To See The Smiles On The Faces Of Brian [May] and Roger [Taylor] " PLUS Video "Save Me" & "Who Wants To Live Forever"

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Posted at : Wednesday, February 18, 2015

 Photo via @EMES79: Adam Lambert & Dr. Brian May in Prague 2-17-15 Queen + Adam Lambert Concert Tour

"Peter Richard Leslie Freestone
Prague, Czech Republic · 
Ok, I know I risk losing some facebook friends and starting a verbal war, but last night I saw Q+AL for the second time in as many weeks and was really happy to have been there. Last night I was surrounded by 16,499 friends, fans and strangers who nearly lifted the roof off the O2 Arena here in Prague. I know Freddie is not on the stage, please believe me, I know, but I witnessed a great show. Queen, for me, were always about the show, and they are really producing the goods. And I for one, am so happy to see the smiles on the faces of Brian and Roger. Every opera has always been created around a specific person's voice. If the music stopped when that person couldn't perform any more, the opera scene today would look very bare. Surely it is the same for any good music, it is there to be interpreted so that the music can go on. Adam Lambert gives a valid and very good interpretation of Queen music, never trying to imitate, just giving his all for the music of QUEEN. p.s. I will not be getting involved in any discussions on this post, I've seen what happens on other pages."

Facebook Link:

The video posted below is just one example of why we are ALL smiling: (Reposted from this previous Adam Lambert 24/7 thread here:





Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting the Facebook comment glitzylady. I read the comments as well. :)

Dee R Gee said...

The anti-Adam ranters seem to have gotten tired in recent months. Some may even have come to the realization that Adam is "ok to like," Either way, it's great to hear such positive words from Freddie's personal assistant. Certainly he would know more than most people how Freddie might have felt about QAL. And he did give some subtle praise to Adam, too. That's a bonus! And the comments are good, too.

broddybounce said...

This is great, Glitzy -- thank you!

Anonymous said...

The anti-Adam people seem to realize they can't change peoples minds and there is no point in complaining, unlike the anti-anti-Adam people.

Anonymous said...

@6:11 AM
Maybe you meant "unlike the anti-Freddie people"? (and there are a lot of them). :-(

glitzylady said...

This comment from Freddie's assistant is about joy and respect for Freddie and for Dr. Brian May & Roger Taylor, and for Adam Lambert as well.

Just a request: can we keep it about that please??

Anonymous said...

He's no Freddie but....

Dee R Gee said...

BTW, I found Brian's little WLL riff on a vid on Atop. It's just those first five famous notes, then he stops. Adam gives a rousing laugh about it, and then they move on.

Also, has anyone heard anything about the morning TV show in Prague that they were supposed to be on?

Anonymous said...

DRG, can you provide the link to the vid?

Anonymous said...

Personal Assistant

Love the comment "I won't get involve in any discussion about my post"

You Sir are a very wise person.

Anonymous said...

I think what is happening to the Freddie fans is that they believe there is and never will be another Freddie. True. They come to the concert, some unwillingly, and hear and see Adam. He may be singing Queen songs, but they cannot deny his charisma, his voice , his looks, his sheer joy in singing, and they fall in love with ADAM. He is not there to copy Freddie their hero. They realize after the show, that they love Adam, singing with Queen or not, and they are willing to buy his music. No one is more surprised than a Freddie fan, who comes out of the concert, babbling about how good Adam is and how they enjoyed the concert.
Queen and Adam took a huge chance in Adam singing front man, but they proved their point, in spades. Adam is NOT Freddie, but he is a super star in his own right, and can sing anything. He is being recognized for his own talent, not because he is singing Queen songs. When he goes on tour with his own music, I think we will see a lot of Freddie fans in the audience, who have fallen in love with him as an individual,
and they can still keep their wonderful memories of Freddie. That was a different time and this is now, and they have a new star to love. Anne Marie

The Dark Side said...

Adam continues to receive validation as a first class artist. The critics have spoken often in his favor also. I hope he can carry this momentum I to Era 3.

Anonymous said...

@Glitzylady, there is a thread at IDF about Adam's vocal technique. One Queen fan who is a professional singer has couple of posts there about Adam's vocals. Ask mmadaiamm (sp?) if you can bring her posts here. She became a fan hearing Adam on XFactor UK with Queen.

glitzylady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dee R Gee said...

Here is the link to the WLL ad lib. It's at the end of Adam's rather lengthy All Your Love Tonight sing-a-long, so you can skip ahead if you like. Hope this link works.

Dee R Gee said...

It's a about 3:40.

Anonymous said...

IDF-Adam's Vocal Abilities - 2 pgs.

Anonymous said...

That thing from IDF is a week old and Adam seems to be doing well so why rehash this again?

glitzylady said...

Ooops! I see I posted the wrong link in answer to @Anon 10:21 AM :)))

Thanks @Anon 11:26 AM for the correct link ...😊

Anonymous said...

It is so true about seeing the smiles on the faces of Brian and Roger as Adam is up on the stage performing. There is a certain energy and joy in each of them as they go through the catalog of Queen music. I think it has been said so many times that no one can replace Freddie and Adam is not trying to do that as we should realize by now. There has been so much praise for this tour (even with the unusual translations we have been reading) and it's is nice to read these remarks from someone who was very close to Freddie. Enough said.

jkws said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Jkws, way too much of your personal info for the internet.

Anonymous said...

11:26. Thanks for sharing that link. I love it when new fans obsess about Adam's voice. That thread is three pages now. Don't miss reading it.

Anonymous said...

jkws, thanks for your comment.

jkws said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

jkws, i'm not worried about someone coming to your house I am worried about your identity being stolen or some other online problem using your info. You can also expect tons of spam.

Dee R Gee said...

Really enjoyed the article about Adam's vocal skills. He was born with the perfect physical characteristics to be a superior singer. Just like a Thoroughbred racehorse. It all comes together to produce a winner.

As I scanned down, there was another post (maybe by the same person) who said that really great singing rarely close their eyes when they sing. They communicate with their eyes open just as they do with their voices. Adam's eyes are open a vast majority of the time. One of my pet peeves is watching a singer who keep his/her eyes shut for extended periods. It's quite annoying to me. I know of a few current singers who do it (won't mention names). They drive me crazy, it's so distracting. I love the attention Adam gets for his voice. So many very SUCCESSFUL singers with songs at the top of the charts don't always have the greatest of singing skills, even if they do have nice voices. Adam is in a class all his own in that department, and it's great to know that it's noticed.

Anonymous said...

Were Led Zeppelin and Queen in good terms back in the days? I wasn't around to know. It would be epic if Queen and Adam perform WLL. Wishful thinking on my part but it would be something. No? Yes?

Unknown said...

Brilliant performance of Save Me & WWTLF.Stayed up very late last nite listening, tears, goosebumps etc! Also enjoyed reading post from Mr. Peter Freestone thank you.

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

Once again I'm late to the party ... I'm a very busy grandma/great-grandma during the day so have to wait till all the kids are home with mommy before I can turn on my computer. This thread really 'threw me for a loop' ... I'm still in awe of this latest performance of ADAM/QUEEN ... shivers of joy & happy tears. Thank you all so much ... all of you wonderful Glamberts that make it possible for me to see these wonderful videos & share in your responses to them as well!! Best fan site on the internet!! Love 'n Light

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

@DRG IDF makes threads about different topics under Adam's name. You can bookmark that thread to read more current posts on that topic. There are two vocalists who post and respond in regard to Adam's voice. If you want to read other topics just click on Adam Lambert on top of the page and you see other topics such as concerts, QAL, album, etc.

Anonymous said...

Anne Marie
You cannot categorically say that Freddie's fans fall in love with Adam's voice at the QAL concerts, and I bet many of them who would disagree with your post. Sure, they might like his voice but to Freddie's fans, Freddie is king, just as Adam is king to Glamberts.

Anonymous said...

I think I said that for Freddies fans, there never would be another Freddie. I said they fell in love with Adam etc, that Adam is not there to copy their hero. That after seeing the concert, they fell in love with Adam, for himself. You have no idea how many would disagree with me. From seeing the people attending the concerts, I would say that 99% loved the shows and Adam. The camera panned the audience many times, and they were all clapping, laughing and joining in with the singing.
I never denied that Freddie is their king, and Adam would be the first to agree with that. I never said that Adam is now their king.
As usual you twist everything I ever say. Adam has now many many Freddie fans as well as Glambert fans, he has taken away nothing for their genuine feelings they have for Freddie, but they have just discovered another fantastic singer that they love.

Anonymous said...

8:10 PM, OMG, you have no idea what most Freddie fans think! And I am not the person above.

Anonymous said...

Niether do you!!!

Anonymous said...

Love your post, Anne Marie.

Anonymous said...

8:10PM, are you basing your assumptions on the New Year's Eve show? That is a HUGE jump from seeing clapping and singing in the audience pans to 99% of Freddie fans fall in love with Adam. Maybe saying "some probably" would be more realistic as none of us is there questioning all the attendees.

Anonymous said...

Stop saying Freddie's fans have fallen madly in love with Adam. You don't know that and neither do I, but to claim it's true is nonsense. That's purely wishful thinking on the part of the person who's wishing it. You cannot make people fall in love with Adam and his voice, just because you are madly in love with Adam and his voice. There is more than one great singer in the world for people to love.

Anonymous said...

6:31 AM, so well said.

Anonymous said...

Bicker, bicker, bicker.

Anonymous said...

I'm a Adam Fan and I've fallen in love with Queen!!!

Anonymous said...

@Anne Marie
Haven't posted on this thread before. After having read all the comments just wanna say I understand why some here are a bit annoyed with you. You use some pretty strong and firm statements regarding Queen/Freddie fans who have attended QAL shows and had the chance to listen and see Adam perform live. I have no doubts that most of them are highly impressed and have thoroughly enjoyed these concerts. But to say that they have fallen in love with Adam and that they will buy his music and come to his concerts etc. is a bit OTT even from you.
These longtime Queen/Freddie fans are mostly men (50+ or around the same age as the Queen guys themselves) and I seriously doubt their taste in music (in general) will change drastically at this point of their lives. That does not mean they don't appreciate Adam's voice and LIVE performing skills now that they have first hand experience of our beloved Adam. But please don't make generalizations of other fan groups or issues you obviously don't know much about, let alone too far fetched assumptions of how they feel about Adam and his music (existing or future). Fair request I hope and made with good intentions.