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MILAN REVIEW: OnStage (Italy)

Filed Under () by broddybounce on Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Posted at : Wednesday, February 11, 2015

credit: Francesco Prandoni / OnStage
Thanks to Drakulka CZ for finding this review of the Milan show the oddest we may have seen (difficult translation notwithstanding)!

ONSTAGE: The humility of the Queen and the talent of Adam Lambert: safe bet
by Luca Garrò
direct translation via Google Translate

Mediolanum Forum, Assago (Milan), 10 February 2015. Let's face it, the prejudices around the return of Brian May and Roger Taylor bandwagon with the Queen were really many, especially because of the decision to bring a former contestant on American Idol. Whether we want to consider a sacrilege or not, let's start right away by saying that the experiment has failed to fully and completely won the bet. The Queen has never been loved by critics, even when singing was, according to the definition of Sir Mick Jagger, the greatest frontman in music history. Therefore difficult to imagine journalists and insiders peeling hands to applaud the new combo Anglo / American.

Instead, at the end of the evening, it was not easy to find some present at the Forum that was not more than convinced of the validity and credibility of a show grandiloquent, sometimes exaggerated, and why not, over the top for much of the time. Supported by a stage like we have not seen for some time in their tour, the band looks to Italy in great form, although until a few hours before the opening concert of the health of Adam Lambert had left open the possibility of a cancellation, as happened a few days earlier in Brussels.

The lineup is so "Queen Live" as to appear almost a tribute to Live and Magic, as predictions, the opener One Vision starts a karaoke which will end only two and a half hours later with We Are The Champions (read the ladder) . Self-celebration and self-indulgent as it should be, Brian and Roger, however, appear as the gregarious class, proving once again to possess humility rare in a world where it often takes two hit singles for Unhealthy not even his own mother: in particular May seems the most invigorated by the presence of a figure like Lambert, which is obviously at ease and that often leads him to go beyond the limits of an age that now leads him to the threshold of the seventy.

The clearest proof is perhaps surprising Stone Cold Crazy, which honestly did not think we could still hear them in more than forty years after the publication: tirade, very bad and the final is really the limit for the guitarist for Roger Taylor. About the drummer, the choice to bring along his son Rufus Tiger (name was never more tamarro) was winning the competition with the scion forced the good Roger overtime not to deface, bringing it more than once on the brink of exhaustion, but with a smile on final greetings can say a lot about the spirit of the entire operation. Rufus proves to have talent and discrete attributes, especially when he is playing drums in place of the father engaged to sing (in this regard, thrilling her vocal performance on A Kind Of Magic).

There is also much trade, inevitably: many solos that allow the voice of battered Lambert to recover energy without losing a bit of tension. The most intense moment? Perhaps the central part of the show, the one where the boy prodigy leaves the stage to allow his idols of touching the ten thousand present with a semi acoustic section which features the classic conversation between Brian May and the public, a prelude to Love Of My Life, and a heartbreaking Days of Our Lives, one of May to which we must bow.

Two words dutiful to the general accused of the evening, Adam Lambert. The guy really knows how to do, and, surprise, despite the strong theatricality of his performance, is much less first woman of Paul Rodgers: it falls totally in part, with clothes and excessive un'americanità peeping continually and that, on balance facts, goes perfectly with the kingship of the distinguished colleagues. What should not be underestimated, then, is that the guy owns two giant balls that allow him to appear at ease in one of the most difficult roles to play in the music business. People realize it and appreciates so sincere: Freddie does not replace, but the freebies are always welcome.

Needless to emphasize that the ghost of Mercury hovers on the building since the first notes, constantly reminded by the images of big screens and affectionate words of two friends and the same frontman, who never misses an opportunity to thank everyone for the opportunity given. To the tune of God Save The Queen who, as usual, they close the evening, it is inevitable to think that it might be the last time, but at the age of twelve that there I like to think that they can live forever.


Anonymous said...

Google Translate is always funny.

donna w said...

YEP! And we love it........Adam's "Two Giant Balls"!!!
These translations crack me up!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks broddybounce. Great review.

"The guy really knows how to do, and, surprise, despite the strong theatricality of his performance, is much less first woman of Paul Rodgers: it falls totally in part, with clothes and excessive un'americanità peeping continually and that, on balance facts, goes perfectly with the kingship of the distinguished colleagues. What should not be underestimated, then, is that the guy owns two giant balls that allow him to appear at ease in one of the most difficult roles to play in the music business."

Hahahahaha!!! A couple of hilarious translations there. :-DDDDD

Anonymous said...

First, there's the "impeccable banana" and now "two giant balls". It doesn't matter if the reviews are stellar or not, as Google Translate is always there to provide comic relief ;)))

Anonymous said...

Much less first woman of Paul Rodgers ..... and ..... the guy owns two giant balls .....

Yep, what a hoot!!! Love it.

I hope Adam reads this translation.

Unknown said...

What did that just say was it good or bad? Milan is beautiful I do hope Adam has time to visit some of the buildings & see the beautiful art. We all know Adam has big balls or he would not have done the show last night,Love Adam he did the show amazing they all work together thats what makes for s good concert.---blueeyes01

nancdruuu2 said...

Having an Italian heritage, this review was even more hilarious. Of course, the Two Giant Balls, did stick out to me as quite accurate.
I hope Adam gets an opportunity to see this Italian review of his great performance in Milan. Loved it!

Rosepetal said...

Great review, these translations are too funny. I'm just hoping the "two giant balls" don't somehow squash the "impeachable banana";)

Dee R Gee said...

Love this review. The translations make it all the more fun. Adam needs two big balls just to step into this role to begin with, esp. Facing such flak early on. Hope he sees this review. The Milan audience had a blast

yada said...

LOL.... Hmm. So, we have Adam's impeccable banana AND his two giant balls under positive observation....

Sounds pretty darn honest, if you ask me!
....Quite reasonable. ;-D

And what a wonderful review. I like the tone of this review and by the concepts I'm somewhat able to interpret, this reviewer thought quite highly of QAL.... The show they put on... The "kingship" of Brian, Roger et al... And Adam himself. I also appreciate the regard for Adam's courage to take on this role and how incredible he is at it.

Thank you, Italy! :)))

Anonymous said...

I speak enough Italian to read the review but not enough to translate, sorry. It seemed a very flattering review to me, not sure why broddybounce thinks it is odd.

Anonymous said...

Adding, doesn't JAK speak Italian? I'd love to hear her take on it too.

Anonymous said...

I am assuming Adam is spending the next 2 days, being fitted for new pants to accommodate his impeccable banana and his 2 giant balls. ha ha
Love these translations, although they seem quite near the truth. Anne Marie

The Dark Side said...

Not sure WTH this guy said, but lots if itcwas amusing. He couldn't make up his mind about Adam but seemed to veer toward him in a more personal way, ignoring his voice. Yes Freddie big part of show via holography and mentions, but that just adds to the drama, which is plentiful. This was a strange review that definitely got list in translation.

Kath said...

What I don't understand is why the critics put down the middle of the show when Brian and Roger are literally playing and singing there hearts out for the love of an old friend they truly miss. Let them indulge. Their bodies are ageing not there young rock and roll minds and memories.

Jean Renard said...



Dee R Gee said...

Despite some of the critics who don't like the guitar solo or the drum-off, I think if Brian and Roger did NOT do those sections, there would be an outcry from many fans who truly love and appreciate the musicianship of those two men. They are the backbone of Queen's music. Singers may change, but the guitar and drums live on. And these guys can still deliver the goods as well as ever. Let some audience members go to the bathroom if they want or go buy some merch, etc. Many in the audience will stay in their seats to hear those solos and would miss them if they were omitted. Crtics don't always get it right.

JAK said...

@ Anon...8:43 AM......I wish I did speak Italian. Sadly, when I took classes a year or so ago, mostly just nouns stuck in my brain. I can tell what they are talking about and whether it's good or bad, but other than that I only have stored up some simple sentences.

I have little dibs and dabs of several languages but a great love for the beauty of most of them.

Anonymous said...

" excessive un'americanità peeping continually" does that refer to the Glam bulge?

I don't think the reviews matter anymore. This show is such a hit and there have been so many stellar reviews that now it is just favorable piling on. I love favorable piling on though.

Has anyone noticed if any of the people who have reviewed this show have used it as a comparison when they reviewed subsequent shows by other artists?

yada said...

Dee R Gee... I totally agree with your 12:56 post. Very Well said!

Anonymous said...

7:15 PM, you are gross.

Anonymous said...

As Simon would say, "but did you like it?"

Anonymous said...

The peeping I thought referred to Adam giving those over-the top open eye pops. Like innocent what is happening eyes? LOL JMO