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VIDEOS!! Queen + Adam Lambert Concert Prague (Part 3) 2-17-15 KQ, STL, IWIA

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Posted at : Tuesday, February 17, 2015



VIDEOS VIA Olga Karasova 

(NOTE: Not the best quality visuals here, but excellent audio.. We SO appreciate that these fans took the time to film and upload their videos... Thank you!!) 





Pan said...

It is one of my favorites, , it is bombastic, , adventurous, sensual, grandiloquent,sometimes even vulgar. I'm sure you've already figured out which performance I'm talking about.
This is her story, as I imagine it.And to tell it I've done a little research, from Chicago to Montreal, to London, Paris, my favorite of favorites (I'm being subjective, or not?)
Our killer queen stepped out on the grand stage as a grande dame, sophisticated, glamorous, artificial.Grand dame? Wrong! Deep inside her heart she already knew that , in spite of her affectation, pretenses, the gold that covered her up , she was more of a demimondaine. Eventually the masque of honorableness fell down and she couldn't masquerade anymore, the lady was a tramp.In Europe , she underwent the final subtle transformation, there , she tried to hide her infamous past, she became even more theatrical, and she turned into a parody of the grand dame she used to be.
Amazing, how Adam is able to tell a story just singing this song!

Dee R Gee said...

Pan, I think you've nailed the Killer Queen quite nicely. She is definitely someone who has seen better days and is trying desperately to hang on to her former glory. I love Adam's personification of this character. He was born to play the Killer Queen. And, oh my God, his eyes.

Dee R Gee said...

KQ and Adam bring to mind a phrase I have used to describe Adam: "deliciously decadent."

Pan said...

Dee R Gee
Thank you.I/we love Adam for different reasons, the most important of all, I think, is the way he makes us/our souls resonate with his soul.

Anonymous said...

@Pan and @Dee R Gee
Thank you both for beautiful posts.

In my heartest heart Adam in this 'Role' is nearer to his true self than in these 'fist pumping' Rock Anthems performing the Rock God (that he undoubtedly is, the VOICE and the O-M-G overall SEXY inside-outside charisma that oozes out... Is it HOT in here?!) --- He truly would love to be, campier, sexier... Unleashed!!!

In a perfect world of acceptance (in some pararrell universe!) this walking, smooth talking (also to whales and guitars!), disarmingly SMILING, chuckling, joking, laughing, strutting, prancing, seducing,perfectly in ANY position singing Wonder Man is already LOVED by ALL and on top of every chart, poll and award show!!!

And I did not even mention his divine gift of singing power or any sort of ballads, tear jerkers, heart string pullers... How does he do it all so perfectly?!?

Lucky me to have found this man. And lucky me no one comes to this thread this far back.... Universe, make all this happen, the Man deserves it and more!