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VOTE In OUT Magazine's "100 Most Eligible Bachelors": "Hottest, Most Likable, Talented..." Fits ADAM LAMBERT To A "T"!!!!

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Posted at : Tuesday, February 10, 2015


VOTE: 100 Most Eligible Bachelors 

Although many great men are getting hitched, that doesn't mean there aren't plenty of single guys looking for love. We scoured the globe to find some of the hottest, most likable, talented, and just downright dateable gay men. Check out this year's list, vote for your favorites, and we'll present the winners next month.




Anonymous said...

Glamberts will make it happen! :)

Anonymous said...

This time it will be Adam Lambert not Adam Levine, who won last time.

Anonymous said...

Adam Levine is sexy

Anonymous said...

I think we have a troll.

Anonymous said...

Adam Levine isn't eligible. Gay men only.

Anonymous said...

I just voted for Sam Smith

Anonymous said...

I don't think so but whatever floats your boat.

Anonymous said...

Sheesh! That's one hot, sexy pic of Adam. :-D

Anonymous said...

one vote per day

voted for our Adam

but Adam Levine sexy too

Anonymous said...

Someone is determined to go on and on about Adam Levine.

Anonymous said...

Scroll time

Anonymous said...

3:42 AM, I'm not one of the previous commenters but I also think Adam Levine is sexy. Why is that surprising to you that more than one person thinks that?

yada said...

IMO, It makes no difference if Levine is sexy, or if anyone considers him so.

We can think a rock looks sexy if we want....

Here, though.... This is about Adam Lambert. And voting for him at the link.

yada said...

.... And I agree, 12:20! Adam is blazing HOT in that pic. *Wowza*

Anonymous said...

Adam Levine won in People Magazine, and is now married.
This is OUT and Adam so far is winning. We can vote once a day, I put it in my favorites list, so I can get my vote in every day.
This is Adams year for many awards. Glad he has a bigger house now to accommodate them.

Anonymous said...

Yada, sorry, forgot we aren't allowed to mention anyone else here.

Anonymous said...

That is a terrible picture of Adam for such a contest. He has his duck lips on which contorts his beautiful profile. It's too dark and should be a close-up of him looking at the camera for this type of thing. I've seen probably thousands of pictures, all better than this one. Who picked the picture? Must have been someone who really doesn't like Adam. Somebody with authority please do something!! Admin can't you send them a suitable picture? A suggestion would be one titled "Queen & Adam Lambert: By Royal Appointment" (Features/Nick Hasted/20 Dec 2014) He's standing between Roger and Brian, but could easily be cut out. There are plenty of others, too. IC

glitzylady said...

@Anon 5:06 PM
I don't think it would be either particularly appropriate or appreciated for this blog to send a picture to OUT Magazine suggesting they exchange the picture that someone with the magazine selected to display of Adam for the contest.. And it seems to be a picture that Adam likes very much, as it's on his Instagram acct.. dated Jan. 19, 2015.. Possibly that's where they got it.. The thing is there are about a million pictures of Adam where he looks amazing... Very hard to narrow it down.. :)))

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

There are not any pics that I have seen in which ADAM doesn't look sexy!! He can't help it ... he doesn't just LOOK sexy ... ADAM *IS* SEXY!! VOTE FOR ADAM!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)