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Adam Lambert Liked Terrancespencer's instagram photo

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Saturday, March 14, 2015

Posted at : Saturday, March 14, 2015


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

@10:50 AM
Don't we all? Terrance has found one. I'm sure Adam will find a good man some day. At least he keeps on lookIng.

Anonymous said...

What makes you think, from seeing this picture, that Adam is sexually active. About the only time you might assume that, is when he is with Sauli for a few days. Or even anyone else he might take on vacation. This is just an evening out with friends. I don't think Adam jumps on every man he sees.

Anonymous said...

I remember Adam put out a bunch of weird mess like this on the internet before his last album was released. Did he ever tell what it all meant? I don't think he did and let it drop after the album came out. Just his way of getting everybody's attention I think.

P.S. Where did 10:50 AM get the clue that Adam is "still sexually active"? And why should we care?

Anonymous said...

Geez and lmao! Are you people for real?!

Something would be terribly wrong if Adam was not sexually active, he's in his prime, very sensual & sexually attractive (to put it mildly, unffff!) However, how he handles his love life is none of (y)our business - and taking it up every time there's a pic of Adam with a guy or guys is just stupid.

Gabi said...

How does this picture have anything to do with Adam being sexually active? But hey, I sure hope he is! He's a highly attractive man in his prime!!!

yada said...
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yada said...

@ 10:50 :) ....Terrance and the fellow on the far left are in a relationship together. Adam is just friends with both. Just hanging out as friends is most likely. Terrance has been a good friend of Adam's for a long time.

Anonymous said...

You people can't resist replying to a troll.

Anonymous said...

Just because Adam is having sex with someone does not mean they are in a relationship. welcome to the modern world.

Anonymous said...

Well there was nothing from this picture, indicating that Adam was sexually active. This picture has nothing to do with Adam's sex life. It's just a picture of Terrance with his BF, and Adam having an evening out.

Anonymous said...

Keep feeding the troll, they are loving it.

Anonymous said...

People, people, people; are you seriously having a conversation about Adam's sex life with the resident sexual troll?

UNBELIEVABLE, just let the troll crawl back under the rock he or she stays in until their next little visit to the blog!

Adam deserves better!!!!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful picture of Adams and his friends. So glad to see him out having such a great time and just goofing off; after months of such serious and steady work; even though I am sure he just loved every minute of it! I know that I loved every minute of seeing and hearing him!

Seems as though all his friends just couldn't wait to see him. What a wonderful man to have for a friend; he seem to be so much fun to have around!

Anonymous said...

No one is having a conversation with the troll; he or she is having a conversation with themselves, pretending that people are seriously talking to them. They do this every time; lonely little sexually deprived troll!

Anonymous said...

Terrance, thanks for the instagram; love it! You guy look great; and seem to be having so much fun. Glad to see Adam back together with his close long time friends!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The guy on the left looks a little familiar. Isn't he Terrance's boyfriend?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Please delete the trolls comments. They are making me think naughty thoughts about Adam and I kinda like it ;)

Anonymous said...

@yada & 2:07 pm, sorry but I somehow missed your posts before. Then I wouldn't have had to question whether the guy on the left was Terrance's bf. :)


Anonymous said...

Have tried to remember the name of Terrance BF... he has wonderful long hair and this 'sultry native indian look' and chiseled features I've always loved... (don't know his origins, just admiring his looks).

What a handsome and gorgeoys trio!

Anonymous said...

Sorry...typo above! Meant of course 'gorgeous'!

Anonymous said...

@4:09 AM
His first name is Ronnie. He says at his IG-profile "West coast born and raised. Nerd on the inside and dork on the outside."

Anonymous said...

Looks to me like they be catz dreaming they b dawgs.