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Adam Lambert mention: "Empire"s breakout star Jussie Smollett talks about homophobia!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Posted at : Wednesday, March 11, 2015


Anonymous said...

Very cool! Great new show; and ratings bonanza. Very popular among young people of all ages and demographics. Well written and about the music industry; the light and dark of it. A Wednesday ratings coo for ABC network. Great mention of Adam Lambert; that means he is no doubt on their radar.

They bring in lots of current and past singing sensations fortunate enough to get acting parts in the show. JHud will be on next week playing someone else I believe.

This popular young actor playing the Gay son of the head of Empire, made a strong statement. The fact that he mentioned Adam is a definite plus for Adam! I was just thinking while watching at last week's show; that I wish Adam could get a guest role on there.

I wonder if Adam has seen this show or maybe even know some of the cast. If he has not; I hope he will give it a look see. I also hope this comment about him is brought to his attention!

I just love the show about this Black family dynasty that runs Empire; it many powerful distractors trying to bring them down. Everyone should give it a look see tonight and judge for yourselves; see if you think it may be a good opportunity for bringing in more young fans for him, as Glee did! Actually more fans of all ages and nationalities!!

Anonymous said...

4:17 PM, Empire is on Fox.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your lovely post.
Hope I get to see the series some day.

Anonymous said...

@5:04 PM

CORRECTION @4:17 PM Here: My bad! Thank you so very much for the correction. So many of my favorite shows are on the mentioned channel. So, had it on my brain.

Thank you so much for correcting this BIG MISTAKE and calling it to my attention! You are absolutely correct; Empire is on the FOX network and I of course know this. So sorry about that. They do have many good programs; and everything I said about ABC @7:14 PM is meant for Fox network. Congratulations to them for the wonderful show!

Fox network also have many good shows on their network, (not to be confused with fox news network); including Idol, where our main man Adam Lambert, was brought to my attention and is on quite a bit; for that alone, they are great in my book!

@2:24 AM, You are so welcome; and thank you for you kind comment. I do hope you get to watch it one day!

Anonymous said...

I also like Empire very much! I fell into it sort of by accident, and am so glad I did. Love Jussie Smollett. That whole family has a bunch of talented people and they've been around for a long time. I have seen females from the Smollett gang on shows for years (Journey Smollett springs to mind, not sure of spelling). I think a Smollett guy made it really far on one season of Idol actually ... although, I think that dude actually got himself involved in that law suit against Idol concerning discrimination. I might be having a brain fart, my be wrong there ... in any event, whatevs, thanks 4:17 for the post. I hope some other peeps check out Empire, very entertaining! It's a tad "soap opera-ish", sure, but in the best possible way! :)

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert on Empire would open the show up to a whole new demographic. That's win win for everyone, but mostly Empire - Adam Lambert is magic, and yall know it.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert on Empire opens up a whole new demographic - its win win for Adam could play good guy, or bad guy, or a partner for Jussie, or Cookie or both or even Courtney Love,,limitless range here yall... Empire should grab Adam while they have the chance....