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Adam Lambert Tweets He's "Ready For The #CHIClipse on 3/20!" Starring His Friend and Colleague Nile Rogers, With CHIC....

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Thursday, March 19, 2015

Posted at : Thursday, March 19, 2015


Anonymous said...

Adam's not in it.

Anonymous said...

No, Adam is not in it; but Adam's wonderful friend and one of Adam's very strong support, Nile is!

Nile and Adam have such a wonderful mutual friendship; and now they are with the same record label, this is great; hopefully they can do something together again!

Can't wait to see this; I really like Nile. He is a smart and talented and a very generous man, and has shown that generosity towards our Adam many times!!

I thank Adam for the head's up about Nile's event!

I am ready for it Adam!!!!!

Anonymous said...

March Drum Madness! GO ROGER!!!!

Anyone who would like to vote for Roger Taylor, here's the link ........

Anonymous said...

Voting for Roger is once per hour.

Anonymous said...

Ok Nile I am ready too, bring it on. Thanks for the RT vote link 6:07,

Anonymous said... Adam's tattoos in billboard articale

Anonymous said...

Some Adam news please. Don't care about Nile.

Anonymous said...

I'm supporting Roger, too.

Anonymous said...

Roger is not the best drummer

Anonymous said...

Adam is being himself again, and supporting one of his very good friends. Sometimes, I don't care for some of the people Adam supports, but Nile has been a good friend for Adam, and he is a great musician. I am sure when the 'soon' comes we will hear from Nile about Adam's new music.

Anonymous said...

Roger Taylor has 90% against Mikkey Dee with 9%. We should support Roger Taylor, because he is a great drummer, and also because Roger and Brian gave Adam a once in a life time chance to show more of the world how great Adam is. Queen has been one of the best promotions for Adam's career yet. Yes I will support Roger. Anne Marie

glitzylady said...

@Anon 8:46 AM
Okay, I'm going to address your comment. As the 24/7 "admin" who posted this thread, I feel need to say this to you (and to any others who have been commenting along similar lines recently):

This is an Adam Lambert blog and we post Adam Lambert news, both major (ie new album news: Yes, yes, yes!!!!!) and minor . We also occasionally post "news" about his friends/associates ie Nile Rogers, the men of Queen, etc.., especially when it directly relates to Adam in some way.

In this case, Adam posted his personal comment on Twitter in response to Nile Rogers' tweet.. We post Adam's tweets, no matter what or who they are about.. Not all Adam Lambert fans are on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc., so we do this as a courtesy.. And to promote Adam in every possible way we can. This includes letting fans know what Adam is up to, what he's interested in, what he's supporting, promoting etc.. In other words, all things "Adam".

Nile Rogers is not only an iconic musician, he's a very special devoted friend and colleague AND fan of Adam Lambert.

We'll report more Adam news when we hear some (hopefully today!!!).. In the meantime, we'll continue to celebrate and report any and all Adam Lambert-related news, whatever it might be, big or small. We do our best with whatever is out there at any given time..

Trust me, I'm as anxious as you are to hear MORE Adam Lambert news!!! We have a bit of a lull here for the moment, but very soon we'll be falling all over ourselves trying to keep up with all the latest single/album/promo news!!!

Patience, my friend!!!

The Dark Side said...

Well said Glitzylady. I think it's a given that Adam, being the social andvgenerous person he is, he will continue to support others. This is not a new part of the Adam persona but one that has always been part of who he is.

CT said...

Thank you glitzy lady for your very well expressed thoughts and explanations. I, for one, appreciate any and all Adam information you bring us in such a timely way. Adam's friends, supporters, collaborators, family are all of interest to me because they show a little piece of Adam and what he's doing and who he's interested in working with.....all of which are of interest to me.

Anonymous said...

Adam should support nile of all people. He gave him the spot on aviciis record. And I bet he will be one of the very few celebs who tweet support for adams new music.

Anonymous said...

Well, since glitzylady posted so elegantly and a few of you fellow fans supported her, I'll also add another comment to 8:46 - who I don't think is a troll, I'd only be guessing, but I'd guess that he/she is an actual fan, otherwise I wouldn't jump in at all, because I think feeding the trolls is the WORST approach with them imho ... but I get the vibe that 8:46 is a fan, so I will just add that - dude, if you only want the big news, the highlights reel - then general Google Adam Lambert my friend! Quite Simply solution for you. To quote someone we all admire "It aint that deep". This is a fan site in the blogosphere, not the HEADLINES ONLY state run news channel for crying out loud. Type in A D A M L A M B E R T into Google or any other browser of your choice and you'll do just fine dude!!

Sorry to the Admins here who rely on hits and advertising probably to keep the site going, and I know we don't want to deter any fan at all from participating here... but good grief ... peeps aren't happy here... click on down the road... exercise a little thing called FREE WILL as I just have. Peace.

On-Topic: Yay Nile :)

Anonymous said...


Thank you, thank you for those well timed comments!

Time some people learned that Adam does not live in an isolated world. We all need someone once in a while. Adam's friends are very much like a family to him; and Nile is a treasure, as is Brian and Roger, who will always support their GFG!!

Anyway, I loved your well thought out post. Sometimes I think you have the patience of an angel. Don't know how you do it; but, I must say, you do it VERY, VERY WELL!!

Anonymous said...

@9:03 AM

You said, "Roger is not the best drummer". So my question to you is, "compared to who"??

If that is your opinion then, OK!! But, blank statements without some kind of follow-up or comparison is kind of, shall we say, "Strange", don't you think???

Dee R Gee said...

I am voting for Roger, too. "Best" doesn't mean much in these polls. It's more about loyalty and familiarity. The "best" singers, guitarists, drummers, etc. are a matter of opinion. It's all who you love and choose to support.

I like hearing anything and everything about Adam. That's what fansites are. Like 11:14 said, if you just want the "facts," you can go to Google and type in Adam Lambert. You'll get straight facts and simple updates. Simple. However, I don't think "peeps are unhappy here," Don't know where that came from.

Anonymous said...

So much energy expended on a short grumpy comment.

I'm looking forward to Nile's new music and hope he has a song with Adam.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I don't care if Shady didn't get played everywhere, I love it.

Avicii must have liked Lay Me Down if he closed all his shows with it.

Guess it is about more than just hits for me.

Anonymous said...

Oh wait, Never mind . Damn I think there just may be a troll on here after all.

Anonymous said...

Rodger Taylor he so talented he wonderful drummer with a good voice. He deserves all our votes. Both Rodger and Brian have been so supportive of Adam. They did a lot for Adam and Adam rejuvenated their spirit. They helped each other. Such a wonderful pairing. Niles also is good friend to Adam. Recently he said he had just done a song with Adam Lambert better than anything he done since Bowie. What that means who knows.

Anonymous said...

Ryan just introduced Nile on Idol a few minutes ago; He mentioned all his many credits and accomplishments throughout the years and showed Nile performing in many from the past. Then he said after the Eighties his music continued to soar, and that he wrote or performed with artist as diverse as "Madonna, Slash, Mick Jagger, Bob Dillion, Sam Smith and many more; they also showed pictures of each of the artists that Ryan S. mentioned. I guess Ryan included Adam in the "many more"!

Ryan, "it would have been so easy just to slip Adam's name and picture in"; don't think Nile would have minded one bit"! Just saying!! Ryan, where is the love?

Anonymous said...

If Adam's new single is being kept as a big secret, will it be announced in a big way? Such as the I-Heart music awards, on the 29th of March, televised on NBC. That fits in with the timing when they said it would be released. Or is there another big music show in April?

Anonymous said...

It sure would be nice to find out something soon; by the way Shoshanna twitted that she is now in sunny Los Angeles. Would be great if Adam could be on the televised show on the 29th; apparently, seems like the same people that is on every other show will be on this one; yet again. I hope that Adam will start being included in some of these events. Now that his record will be coming out, there will be no more excuse for him not to be included!

I also noticed that Ryan did not mention Adam's name in Nile's introduction tonight on Idol! Oh well, that is Ryan for you. Swoons over Adam when he is with him; but does not seem to do much to assist him career wise; I wonder why that is?

Anonymous said...

Where and if Adams single would be announced, does Shoshanna have to be there too? Surely it would be announced in a big way, and not just on the internet.

Anonymous said...

Adam has been under the radar for several days now, I wonder if he is getting a new band together. I hope he starts with a clean slate. If he is going to appear on some TV shows, he needs a band fairly soon.

Anonymous said...

It will probably be announced and played on a radio station like with ryan seacrest. I doubt he is going to be on tv anytime soon. Certainly not at iheart. Lol some people are real unrealistic about the kind of promo adam will be getting.

Anonymous said...

Typical to blame Ryan for not mentioning Adam in Nile's intro. Why didn't Nile say "don't forget Adam!" if he is such a supporter?

Anonymous said...

The realist is here nosing around. LOL

Anonymous said...

Nile and Ryan didn't script the show.

yada said...

11:14am!! :) .....

What an OUTSTANDING post.

I feel like clapping for you, I truly do. Well, heck.... I'll just do it right now: **clap clap clap clap!** :)

Brilliant advice you've offered.... and yet, so simple.

This wonderful, fun & informative blog benefits from visitors like you. Indeed, Thank you for your positive attitude!

Peace, love & light to you as we enjoy this journey with all it's details - big & small - about this amazing man we adore....

Adam. :)))))

Anonymous said...

Maybe Nile didn't know that Adam's name would be left out; he is not the producer of the show. Sounds like something Ryan put together to me.

Ryan has in this then people think. If Nile had seen this promo; Adam would have been named. Nile mentions Adam every chance he gets. Ryan always does this; nothing new!!!

Just wait; as Adam's popularity grows, he will be included in everything; it will happen!!!

The truth tellers are nosing around too, so it will all be OK!

Anonymous said...

There will come a time when Adam Lambert will be the most sought after artist in show business!

Remember when Lady Gaga was rediscovered at the Oscars; people were praising her as if they did not know that she could sing before that night!

Well, Adam will have his rediscovery period too; very soon!

All I can say is look out music world; Mr. Albert M. Lambert has resurfaced, and you have not seen
or heard anyone like him yet!!!

Please hurry Adam and drop that CD, the wait is killing me slowly!!

Anonymous said...

10:43 here/correction

meant Adam M. Lambert; not Albert, had my little nephew's name on my brain; sorry about that.

Anonymous said...

Poor Ryan, he just can't do things right.

Anonymous said...

I love the facial hair on Ryan. I also find it strange they didn't mention Nile worked with a well-known alumnus from their own show!


Anonymous said...

Yes, if the could mention Madonna and Dianna Ross why couldn't they mention Adam. Oh, wait, they didn't mention Dianna Ross either.

Anonymous said...

Nile did a great job on idol tonight!

Anonymous said...

If they could mention Sam Smith and show his picture; someone who does not think that highly regarding making it on talent shows such as Idol; why couldn't they have at least mentioned Adam Lambert; an alumnae who is always singing their praises????

Shameless backstabbers!! Ha, ha; maybe a little harsh, but, I don't care!!! So disappointing!!

Anonymous said...

Sam smith is a huge star. Adam is one of a hundred ex idols. See the difference?

Anonymous said...

@12:46 AM

If you mean the project that Nile tweeted to Adam about, asking him to record on the Diana Ross project he was working on, but, Adam was on the road with Queen at the time and could not participate?? I don't think that project has been released, so Diane Ross would probably not be on their radar.

I detect a little bit of sarcasm in your post when it comes to Adam Lambert not being mention!

They did not mention a lot of people Nile worked with; but to mention a newbie on the scene like Sam Smith, who I did not even know that Nile had worked with, and not include a well known alumna who had just sat in as a guest judge for two days in the New York auditions; just seems a bit strange, in my opinion!

Seemed like an obvious snub to me, and not by Nile Rodgers!!! Nile mentions Adam's name every chance he gets.

Adam will be on Idol again, not to worry; and he will give them a ratings boost!

Anonymous said...

@ll:04 AM

The only difference I see; is that Sam was given the break that Adam did not get; and lucky him that Adam opened the door for him by being the first openly gay male that came out before him here in America, and signed to a record company. Then along came safe Sam Smith from the UK; and was welcomed with open arms.

Adam is a International Star who is also the front man to Queen, who Roger Taylor calls the voice of one in a Billion; and Brian May calls their gift from God. Adam Lambert can sing rings around Sam Smith and many other so called major stars here in the US; and I think you know that. Also, you don't sound like an Adam fan.

Adam's day of recognition will come here in his own Country; but meanwhile, the UK has just experienced the talented Adam Lambert and they seemed to be very impressed.

Yes, I see the difference in your observance, Sam got a lucky break; and is no where near the talents of Adam. If you think that all Adam is, is an ex Idol; you are one in a hundred Adam detractors and not a real fan;


Anonymous said...

11 22
No one has been given more chances and more lucky breaks than Adam. He blew all his big chances and has no one to blame but himself

The fact is sam is a big star these days and adam is not. Sam is ten years younger, not from a reality show, has a very unique voice completely different from adams and different style of music. I would never compare them at all There have always been successful singers that everyone knew were gay even if things were not spelled out so clearly in the past. When singers focus on the music and not on themselves they have no problem regardless of who they date.

Anonymous said...

Sam's collabs with Nile, and Disclosure, are so so good, you readers should check them out. Love those songs.

I am a very devout Adam Lambert fan, but I will step forward and say too that imho Adam has been given some darn good "chances"... but I don't say that with a snarky tone; he's done well! Adam Lambert is a bit hard to market, he is not easily labeled and categorized. But he's doing just fine.

My 2 cents - Sam Smith (whom I absolutely LOVE) put out an album with a lot of "torchy" type songs... those sort of songs, especially the singles, ALWAYS ALWAYS do well because they sit comfortably with many people, across many demographics, just like Adele's last album. I am not comparing the singing style necessarily, or vocal abilities, to Adele, but rather the "torch song" nature of Adele's last album. Those sort of "woe is me" songs do so well with many different kinds of music consumers! They are appealing to a very wide range of listeners. Sam Smith is crazy awesomely talented, so I feel great that he's hit it so big... but I truly believe that the nature of his single releases had a lot to do with his quick, exploding success. I hope his follow up album will do just as well. He, Sam, is definitely NOT a one trick pony (again, check out his collabs with Nile & Disclosure, sooooo good). This thread is probably dead, :), but that's just my POV.