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Via antoniobrancogq: Adam was the bomb!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Posted at : Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Adam was the bomb!🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟#adamlambert #shoot

A photo posted by Antonio Branco (@antoniobrancogq) on


Anonymous said...

Photoshoot or video of some kind? Oooooh... can't wait to find out!!!

Anonymous said...

Twitter rumor has Adam being filmed riding around in a convertible today. Maybe a mv?

Anonymous said...

There's another picture on Antonio Branco's instagram that was posted today from Smashbox Studios calling it an "album cover shoot". Best clue so far! The picture after that is the one in this thread!

Anonymous said...

Maybe a photo shoot with Brasil GQ?

Anonymous said...

10:20 yes best clue yet!!

Lam-My said...

How about his Original High single video because it's going to be released in April, by my understanding.

Anonymous said...

New sexual partner?

Anonymous said...

Antonio Branco Contributing editor at GQ Brasil

All of his Instagram titles are about photo shoots for GQ Brazil.

Anonymous said...

It is a bit confusing but who cares?
Cover shoot or GQ Brazil! Both great!

Anonymous said...

Is QAL going to perform in Brasil in Sept ?

Anonymous said...

Yes, at Rock in Rio -festival.

Anonymous said...

@11:50 Why be insulting? After Adam has been so on point, with his work ethic and pursuit of his career and personal goals, am thinking comments like this are demeaning and trite. Sorry if I offend anyone, in advance.

Anonymous said...

Stupid remark. Certainly not needed.
I think photographers always find Adam easy and fun to work with, Hoping this is for his single or album.

Anonymous said...

@11:50 Comments like yours are possibly why Adam maintains a "single" status, particularly when part of being an artist involves photos with fans and others in the entertainment industry. This seems to be a photoshoot related to his upcoming musical offering or perhaps a fashion shoot. Anyone who interprets this as being related to anything/anyone sexual needs some new eyewear or your meds have ran out.

Dee R Gee said...

It looks like it could be related to GQ Brasil. Actually, I am still hoping it had to do with a video for his new album or an album cover shoot, but maybe not. Like everything else it the works now, we'll know soon. Adam looks really great in that pic. And yes, anyone who has ever worked with our guy sings his praises. He's a dream.

Anonymous said...

11:50 PM is a troll. Stop feeding the trolls.

Anonymous said...

Adam is such a player. Party on Lambert. :)

Anonymous said...

11:50 AM

Another little morsel to feed you you; no one should go hungry!

You really need to satisfy your own sexual needs; and stop concentrating so much on Adam and sex. If there is no outlet for you in that area and no one wants you; try to get into some type of program, and I am pretty sure there is help out there for you!

Meanwhile, if you are a fan; which seem doubtful, as you sing the same old song every chance you get; and now everyone probably knows your motives!!

Good luck to you! Help is probably just around the corner!!

Anonymous said...

at, 9 05am/11 50pm

You are not going to stop are you? Have you no shame? What time do your classes start, and does your parents know that you are on the computer posting a couple of times this morning?

If you are not a minor; then all I can say is HEAVEN HELP YOU!!

Anonymous said...

I am so excited to hear about this showing of Adam. This means something significant is happening. This man is so exciting; can't stop being interested. Just can't wait for single to drop!!

Anonymous said...

@9:41 AM


Anonymous said...

The glittery silver snake skin pattern jacket, so adamishly Adam! ;)

The Dark Side said...

Trolls are such a waste of time and troll on please as nothing anyone says will stop their nonsense. I'm so looking forward to whatever Adam is working on!

Anonymous said...

Agree with The Dark Side & March 12, 2015 at 8:18 AM

Don't Reply/Respond to you know what, who! WASTE OF ENERGY (and I have a very good feeling that we are going to need all our energy for Era 3. Sheesh, I just got caught up on sleep from QAL ;)!).

On-Topic; I'm also get super excited when I see little bits of info like this, that seem to give a legit nod to the presentation of Era 3. Looking forward to it!

Anonymous said...

It is just one little mindless troll. But, I do agree with energy wasted by me, so I just ingnore it.

But, those who wish to express themselves should be free to do so without being scorned! Sometimes a person has got to say what they want to express! No harm! I

Anonymous said...


I guess so, no harm... I suppose you are correct about people being allowed to express themselves. It's just that the response is EXACTLY what they are looking for, exactly! More often than not, when starved, they'll go elsewhere (unfortunately it could be just to another thread, lol) but a complete ignoring of them is really what lessens the frequency of their participation here it seems. Thanks for your post 1:02, cool, but I really do think ignoring is the way to go. Just my POV. But free will and all that 'tho. :)

Anonymous said...

Beware of the two faces of the troll. Acting as bad troll, good troll; tearing Adam down then turning around asking folks to lay off of itself, the little troll! While, all the time trying hard to express support for Adam, so not to blow it's trollish deception!!

Absolutely fooling no one, at least not me!

Anonymous said...

1:02 PM, there is harm. That's what trolls want, they want you to respond. They are happy when you respond. The best way to make them go away is to not even mention them like we are doing now.

Anonymous said...

Almost half of the posts on this thread are reactions and/or answers to a totally lame and obvious three word bait...please just leave those unnoticed.

Cover or a story in GQ Brazil would be great. Thinking of both Adam's own music and QAL gig in Rock in Rio.