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Adam Lambert's Ghost Town - currently at number 48 on the @Billboard in the last 24 hours

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Sunday, May 17, 2015

Posted at : Sunday, May 17, 2015



Anonymous said...

When I clicked on the link, I found it interesting that 15 of the top 20 were One Direction songs (and one of the 20 was a Zayn Malik know, the person who just left One Direction to go solo). Adam is in pretty good company; those other songs are pretty popular and played often on the radio.

Unknown said...

So,all of these promos,label,producers and Adam's talent still can't make any changes on Billboard.Nothing will work until Adam will start to perform on big events. Seems that it will never happened again:(

Dee R Gee said...

Hope it breaks through to the top 40. That makes a huge difference in radio play. One Direction is huge. Nothing can be done about that. But we can keep supporting GT and then TOH when it's released. As Adam said, this is the best radio play he's ever had so far.

Anonymous said...

As usual you idiots are totally confused. This is a completely meaningless chart about Twitter. It has nothing at all to do with radio play or the billboard 100.

The song isn't in the top 100 at all.

Dee R Gee said...

1:30, I don't mind being corrected, but there is no need to call people idiots. I know it's easier to do so when you post anon.

Dee R Gee said...

Meant 1:39. Typo. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

@1:39 It is 40 in top40 and 29 in Hac

Gabi said...

If a click on a BB site helps raise awareness, I'm happy to do it. I always play the song too. That same site also has a link to Spotify, which is another important venue to frequent. Create a playlist of current songs on Spotify and add GT to it, and tweet about it!!!

Not every artist that "makes it" starts introducing songs at "big events". Era3 is Adam's comeback as a recording artist, and if the music is good, people will want to listen. Streaming and networking on social media and music sites is key!!!

Anonymous said...

2 51
That is on the radio play chart, not the billboard 100,
the chart that matters. The song isn't selling so it isn't charting.

Anonymous said...

This is Billboard's chart for the most shared songs on Twitter over the last 24 hours. It could be easy to get Adam higher on that chart. Obviously 1D fans have figured it out.

Here is how to share on twitter:
"How are songs shared and/or mentioned on Twitter?
Song shares are tracked and incorporated into the Billboard Twitter Real-Time Charts by:
the use of, or the inclusion, of a link to the song via music listening platforms, such as Spotify, Vevo and iTunes.
the use of various track sharing notations, such as the hashtags “#nowplaying” or “#np,” along with song/artist name.
the use of various terms associated with the song and song playing, such as “music,” “song,” “track,” “listen.”"

See Examples of what to do here:

"This tweet uses the artist’s official Twitter handle, the song name, and a streaming link. It has an excellent chance of counting towards the charts."

There are 5 different trending charts. Let's see if we can get Adam higher on these.

Anonymous said...

I just checked and Megan is #48

Anonymous said...

1:39 why don't you go hang out with some men instead of picking on the women here.Oh yeah they would probably kick your ass.

Unknown said...

So,after all of these BBMA awards and recognitions I realized that Adam made a wrong choice with 1st single (again). Hope TOH will get top 10 as far as GT didn't get even top 40:(

Anonymous said...

Delilah go back to your Ativan and wine,the only thing you know on weekends.

Anonymous said...

7:09 PM
There's no need to be nasty.

Anonymous said...

7:49 PM, please direct your comment to Delilah at 6:36 PM.

Unknown said...

@7:09 It seems that the same "fans" are still here. Try to find some different comment. By the way I know who you are and I know that a lot of Adam's fans don't like you at all:) So, don't care what are talking about pathetic fanatic.
@7:49pm Thank you,dear:)

Anonymous said...

@Delilah Mercury,

I am not person or persons you are addressing; but he or she appears to be more of an Adam fan than you. You seem to have come out of nowhere. You are using a name tag, and I believe, answering yourself with an anonymous tag. All of your comments on this blog yesterday and this AM have been very negative towards Adam and his fans.

You are the same negative male or female, that was saying that Adam looked drunk and high in a picture with his other young friends in New York, on another thread last evening, and a fan addressed your disrespectful comments about Adam.

You seem to have a problem with Adam as a person, and my question to you is; why are you even here pretending to be a fan?

If being a fan is your claim, I would say, with, with a so called fan like you, who needs a hater; you fill that role perfectly! I think that you are in trouble, and should go "UNDERGROUND!!!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe Delilah Mercury is an old troll aka Milkman?

He/she can not give up Adam, obsess about his life. Hopefully he/she will not have chance to see Adam in person. I worry about this psychopathic behavior.

Anonymous said...

@May 17, 2015 at 3:06 PM

Thanks for that productive, informative, helpful post! :)

Anonymous said...

*3:06 #2

Anonymous said...

@May 17, 2015 at 1:39 PM
This isn't bad tho my friend:

Donna ‏@Ala4afam
Oh mediabase updated. Adam Lambert hit 2 milestones in just 3 weeks. He’s OFFICIALLY #40 on POP and #29 on HAC!


Top 40

Anonymous said...

Whoever Delilah is they are just here to cause trouble.

Anonymous said...

Really. Truth is that unless you are a definite chart follower, like so many fans, with all the knowledge and understanding that brings, the various #'s and media sites regarding the song position (s) can be confusing. No reason for the negativity name calling.