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Awesome fan covers by @real_idolook

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Saturday, May 23, 2015

Posted at : Saturday, May 23, 2015


Anonymous said...
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LAMBERT Outlaw said...

EBER?? HOMOPHOBIC?? Really?? I highly DOUBT it!!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

His twitter acct. is Miles Tougeaux Twitter. There was a rather nasty vibe coming from his statement. He was referring to the Duggar family, that with 19 kids there was a 75% chance of one of them being gay. I won't repeat what he actually said about Josh Duggar.

Anonymous said...

Eber is realistic and tells things like they are. I'm sorry you approve of the Duggers deceptions.

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

Don't know about the Duggars but since EBER has a gay son ... I DOUBT he would say anything HOMOPHOBIC!!! It doesn't make sense!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

don't get me wrong, I do not approve how the Duggars handled their sons misdeeds that occurred 12 years ago, when he was 15. I also don't agree with having 19 kids. The Duggars obviously thought at the time that what they did was the right thing to do, they took the problem to their pastor. Their deception is deplorable, but I think most parents would not have wanted to go to the police, but a better choice would be to see he had some treatment. That boy has jeopardized his whole family's name .

Anonymous said...

Ebers comment about how high their chances were to have a gay son, due to the size of their family, is ridiculous. A gay person, is born that way, and it doesn't matter how many kids you have, it was a dig about their large family. He only had 2 kids, and one was born gay, I thought his remarks were totally uncalled for. He might as well have said that they had the same chance of being born blind or crippled.

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

I didn't get that meaning from what Eber said ... you are just reading into it what suits you ... not everybody feels the same as you ... excuse me ... I won't presume to speak for the collective "everybody" ... just myself ... and I TOTALLY DISagree with you on all points!!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Well said LAMBERT Outlaw.

I want to say that no one has any right to come into Adam's space and b about his dad. Eber has every right to say what he wants on his own twitter account. Personally I agree with everything Eber sez on this subject. If you don't like it, say so on your twitter or at least put your real name on your opinion if you have to use someone elses space. Namely here.

Dee R Gee said...

I think Eber was saying that it's a simple law of averages. The larger the group (of any kind), the greater the chances of there being one or more gay people in that group. Although Eber has only two children and one of them is gay, the chances of a larger group containing a gay person is still generally larger than in a smaller group. I generally like Eber's tweets. He and I have a similar sense of humor. I think in this case, he was reacting to this family's past situation in his ofter ascerbic way.

Dee R Gee said...

Meant "often ascerbic way."

Anonymous said...

@10:41am, 5:04pm, 6:09pm

You want homophobic and rudeness; check into the Duggars hypocritical background. The one in the family that protests the most is probably gay! They probably hate themselves. The truth will always find you; no matter where you hide. Chickens finally coming home to roost!!

Such disrespect for Adam's father; you don't really deserve to be a fan or fans, of Adam's and you probably are not anyway! If he knew how you felt about his father; I would think he would not respect you at all. I really don't know how all these kinds of people pretending to be better than thou get these shows!! Fake, fake, fake, who knows what has been going on in that huge family, this is just what leaked out and people found out about it, then every body started coming out and apologizing! Never watched them, got sick of hearing about them, always felt that something was just not right, from the little I did hear as they were forever being pushed into people's TV space on news shows, etc., as the perfect family; and now they are gone, hopefully, just don't want to hear that name again, gone the way of Honey Bo Bo and family!

Love Adam and his whole beautiful loving Family, no exploitation there!!!.

Anonymous said...

No comments about the actual topic here. :-(

The fan covers look great.

Anonymous said...

You guys, the first comment and others are from a troll. They have made the same comments on multiple threads and just want to cause trouble. Stop responding to them.

Anonymous said...

Don't add fire to the flame. Put it out. Thank you.

glitzylady said...

Eber said nothing homophobic.. Ignore the above comments that suggest he did.. Ridiculous to say the very least... His comments were mild compared to some I've seen..

Anonymous said...

Never heard of the Duggars. I'll google them.

Anonymous said...

Once in a while it would be healthy and wise to think before anyone posts OFF TOPIC issues out of the blue.... issues that non-US Adam fans here have never heard about and that have nothing to do with Adam fandom.

Issues like the D's (who ever the h.... they are) should be discussed (if at all) on different kind of US blogs of which there is no shortage of, I'm sure.

Adam has fans all over the world, also some new fans might find this blog... This site used to have regular posters/members/visitors from various parts of the world...threads like this can alienate foreign folks... :(