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Lucky Fan met Adam Lambert!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Monday, June 1, 2015

Posted at : Monday, June 01, 2015


daydreamin said...

I was following his tweets. He was so excited. He said he waited 7 hours in the cold for Adam to arrive. Adam was the last person off the plane and Alex said he was the only one there to greet him. Adam was his usual gracious self of course and this poor guy said he barely held it together. Ad gave him a nice hug before leaving. It was a dream come true.

daydreamin said...
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Anonymous said...

I can see being excited over meeting Adam, but it's been mentioned that he was also seen outside of Adam's hotel. Don't know about anyone else, seems a bit OTT. Hope he doesn't jeopardize his M & G.

Anonymous said...

This was the same person that followed Adam all over Europe. I recognize them from the concert footage and pictures.

Lam-My said...
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Anonymous said...

I need the cd to put ALN on repeat on the Sony.

The Dark Side said...

For those on Twitter, we know that Alexander is a "super" fan. He did follow him throughout Europe, but Adam has many fans who go to numerous shows so this not that unusual. Alexander is a young fan who I believe gives Adam credit for helping him find himself. I think it's very sweet. I am glad he finally got the opportunity to meet him. Hope we get more Picts tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

He is a she ??? The fan is a girl

Anonymous said...

Alexander Morner is a gay male.

Anonymous said...

Alex is transgender.

Anonymous said...

Alexander sat in an an airport for seven hours and Adam was the last person off the plane and Alexander acts like that on twitter and no one is concerned for Adam's safety? I am.

glitzylady said...

Alexander is a very big fan (as many of us are...).. Fans meet Adam at airports all the time.. I doubt very much that he is at risk with Alex.. I've followed Alexander on twitter since the Queen + Adam Lambert shows in Europe and the UK.. He was just SOOO excited to meet Adam.. Who wouldn't be??

His essay that he submitted to win an official meet and greet at the listening party on Tuesday was heartfelt and touching.. He looks up to Adam and feels that Adam helped him through some difficult times.. He also coordinated all of the twitter lists for the majority of the UK and European Q+AL shows..

Adam is his hero in many ways..

I'm happy for Alexander.... And hope his official meet and greet is awesome..

Anonymous said...

Alex the stalker coordinated twitter lists so waiting in an airport for 7 hours is totally normal and sane. OK.

daydreamin said...

I am happy for him too. I hope his meet and greet is awesome. There are many who have waited several hours for Adam over the years (no, not me). He is certainly not the first. This was his first time meeting him.

I agree wholeheartedly with you Glitzylady!

Anonymous said...

Do they let people without tickets out to the gates in Sweden? Had airport security picked up on him?

Does seem to be a little OTT behavior to me. Going to Adam's hotel afterwards isn't good.

Anonymous said...

Much more concerned of the ignorance, name calling and stupidity of some posting on this thread than Alex doing anything different so many young people do who are in love with their idols and role models! They go to world's end to meet their idol!

You see threats everywhere! Read about this young person first before YOU overthink and overreact!
Adoring shaking stuttering uncontrollably cryin young fans have always been following their stars, waiting OUTSIDE the gates and hotels...THEY are not a threat to anyone (perhaps to their own health). Belongs to the category of a long very diverse list of things of what to do and how to be a devoted fan, especially when you're young... and you will get the money somehow... been there, done that.

@Alexander, if you come here, don't let these or any spoilsports or worrywarts ruin your Adam Experience! Wish I could join you!!! <3<3<3

Anonymous said...

June 2, 2015 at 12:24 AM

Sweden is not US.

Anonymous said...

If I were a family member of such a fan I would be worried. It isn't normal behavior.

Anonymous said...

I have read Alexander's twitter too. He thinks Adam singles him out at concerts and looks at him and makes a connection. He thinks he is special and that Adam just does it to him. We know Adam makes eye contact with lots of people at concerts. Alexander's thinking and obsession is definitely dangerous.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Adam have had something special with him or her?

Anonymous said...

6:28AM, they probably have been dating, that is why Adam singles Alex out and pays special attention to him.

Anonymous said...

Why would Adam date a 19 yr old girl?

sunny said...

@2:11 AM Agree with what you posted. These haters that post here are the ones that are a threat to Adam and his career.

Anonymous said...

7:25am why are you dating an 68 year old man?

Anonymous said...

@628am aka 7:14am aka 7:25am & to whom it may also concern

Honestly, I think without a doubt, that you are much more of a threat to Adam Lambert, then this young Adam fan could ever be! Dangerous spiteful minds, spreading all kinds of rumors and slanderous allegations can be much more dangerous than a young fan's adoration of their idol. I have seen this young person at Adam & Queen's concerts and seen his tweets then; he seems to be very popular on tweeter and everyone seems to love and treat him very kind. He gets very excited when Adam notices him; he has been to so many concerts in and near his Country. He has stated how Adam has helped to make his life better by being such a great role model to him and other young gay and trans gender youth. I think this is a wonderful thing. He feels very important when Adam sees and recognizes him now. Adam Lambert is such a gift in so many ways, truly a gift from God. I don't think he even realizes this impact he has on young people, and how much he really matters to them. He has probably saved a few lives just by being himself.

I think it is time that you and some of the other negative immature idiots get your heads out of the gutter, breathe some fresh air; get the stench out of your collective heads, and try to be an asset to young people; such as Adam Lambert is doing, instead of attempting to hinder young people with your stupid insane remarks.

If you have nothing better to do; go educate yourself about people different than yourselves. If you are not a part of the solution; then you are a part of the problem, so help, or get lost!!!!!

Ella W. G.

Anonymous said...

@ll:00 PM

Just read back what you just wrote, without justification! I think you are the one who needs to question your own mental capacity before you attempt to judge other's; especially a nineteen year old devoted fan of Adam's. You sound like a judgmental nut case of the worse kind! I would rather be around Alexander, than you any day of the week. Speaking of stalkers, you are the one stalking around this thread making all kinds of crazy statements. Check out your own sick behavior, before you start making accusations about others!!

Anonymous said...

It's just as crazy to zealously defend a person you have only seen on twitter as it is to condemn them.

sandy said...

Hi, as a Queen fan who has the pleasure to have been in the queue with Alex he like most of us follows our idol all over the place, he is a great young Guyana a great fan

Alexander said...

What's wrong with some of you!?

I've been a fan of Adam for years and the recent QAL tour in Europe was my first oppoortunity to really see him. Yes I went to a lot of shows, and I sat out in rain and snow and horrible weather for 18h+ to get to the front row. I know Adam makes eye contact with a lot of people in the audience, but I write about the few moments here and there that I got because I treasure them. He's saved my life and helped me save myself, and means a hell of a lot to me, so ofc I treasure the moments he gives me 2 seconds of attention!?
Twitterlists have been around for 100s of Adam's gigs throughout the years, I just chose to do that work myself because it was a way of paying back. 100s of people followed them each night and appreciated them a lot, so I really don't get that remark at all.

Yes I went to the airport. An airport is an open, public space. I waited in the ARRIVAL HALL for flights that he could have been on, and hoped for the best. I've never met Adam and I wanted to get the chance. I literally met him for about 30 seconds. HE was the one that asked if I wanted to take a picture, not me. (Which proves how fucking amazing he is) And for the record - arrival halls at airports are nothing new. Have you seen how it looks like when he arrives anywhere in Asia?

And for fucks sake, the hotel? I WENT ON A WALK. In Stockholm. I walked past the hotel, which happens to be the hotel that 99% of famous/important people that come to Sweden stay at. I never stopped, went in or anything like that, I walked past it and took a photo to show the fucking building (I also posted a bunch of other photos from that walk, if you'd payed attention)

I AM NOT A STALKER. This was my first time meeting Adam. I got to say hi for 30 seconds at the airport and then let him leave in peace. I had a M&G and cried through the whole thing because he means so much to me and it was totally surreal to meet him finally, after all my years in the fandom.

Shame on some of you. I would never ever put him at risk or try to make him uncomfortable. The airport arrival hall is a public place. Flight routes are public, I just guessed which flights he could have been on. It's a pity that you can't be happy for someone else when their biggest dreams get to come true. FFS.

And for the record, I am a gay dude. Stop misgendering me, it's incredibly rude.

(And everyone who sent great comments above, thank you!)

sandy said...

What is crazy is what has anybody's sexuality got to do with being a fan I have travelled to North America, all UK shows, Germany and am going to South America to see Queen and Adam and have made friends from all over the world and all sexualities we just love the music

Anonymous said...

Some of you idiots need to pull your heads in and sort out your own lives and ridiculous attitudes rather than wanking anonymously on about a lovely guy (YES GUY!!!) who is excited to meet his idol. If you think ANYTHING Alexander did is inappropriate, wierd, overly obsessive etc then I suggest you know nothing about Adam Lambert nor about being a fan of anyone so you probably have no idea what you're talking about. It's actually perfectly NORMAL for fans to do everything Alex has talked about doing. I suspect all we have here is a serious case of green-eyed monster and sour grapes. Leave the dude alone FFS

Anonymous said...

I can't believe some people can be so stupid. Why can't you just be happy for someone whose dream came true and instead throw accusations at Alexander (WHO IS A GUY BTW) for being happy and grateful to the person who saved his life? If anyone is a threat to Adam, you are.

Glamanus said...

It's totally normal for dedicated fans to try everything to meet their idol. I'm fucking happy for Alexander meeting him, he deserved it. Don't fucking exaggerate please, he would never be a threat for him, that's actually the funniest thing I ever heard, a big ass glambert bein' a threat for him lol.
Just go and mind your own business.

- Esmée

lol i had to select cakes to prove that I'm not a robot

Gail said...

Surely a bit of jealousy going on here?! I met Alex at Sheffield in February and our group had a great day and night at QAL. You have no call to make unkind comments on here which really just show you up for the immature anonymous person you are!!

Anonymous said...

This fan was a pain in the arse at concerts , full,of crap. But glad she met Adam

Anonymous said...

The person above me, you sound like a pain in the ass to me, not HIM. HE had fun at concerts, which is what concerts are for. I suggest you find something better to do than talking shit about people you don't even know.