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Via socialitelife: Adam Lambert Has A Busy Weekend Of Performances, Manages To Look Fabulous For Everything

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Monday, June 1, 2015

Posted at : Monday, June 01, 2015

The man has been running non-stop for the past few weeks, but does he look it? No. In fact I think he’s actually looking better than ever. I guess that’s what pure happiness, joy and adrenaline does to you.

Read rest HERE!


Anonymous said...

Ooh Lala. Adam.

Anonymous said...

OMG! Just listened to TALC's vids on YouTube from Adam's songs at the KTUPHORIA's event. I N C R E D I B L E!!! Adam's stage presence, his amazingingly great new band (loved those HUGE drums in his "Evil in the Night" song). Adam Lambert is now truly a superstar. Crowds worldwide have seen his magic with QUEEN and can now look forward to another AL tour with his new album "The Original High" and his other international hits. And of course, in between, more amazing shows with QUEEN in South America!!

Anonymous said...

The photos on that link posted are oldies but goodies!! :)

Anonymous said...

You're misleading people and too quick for your own good. There are 30 pics from the KTU event and another gallery of older photos.

Peeps, CLICK the link and go check our Gorgeous Ghost Towner who is actually the perfect poster boy for EITN....and I say this very LOVINGLY!

Anonymous said...

12:15 AM, comments like yours are unnecessarily rude and continue the bullying so prevelelent here lately. Please stop.

Anonymous said...

What?! I was only trying to let people know that there are lots of new pics behind that link, not just "oldies but goodies".Should have put LOL after my first sentence, meant it jokingly... so hard to get humour through here, there are no emoticons... and LOL is so overused (and misleading, lol!)
I was not trying to be rude, English is not my native language, sorry. And I think you are too quick to judge, try to see the good behind "the Broken English"... ;)