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Adam Lambert Will Perform Live On Ziggo Dome Radio Show In Amsterdam 10-10-15: "538 Live XXL"

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Thursday, September 3, 2015

Posted at : Thursday, September 03, 2015

Great news for Adam Lambert fans in Amsterdam!!!!!

Adam Lambert will be performing at "538 Live XXL", a live radio broadcast from the Ziggo Dome in Amsterdam, Netherlands, on October 10, 2015

Translation of above Tweet: (From Bing translate)

Tweet from @AdamLambertBE (Adam Lambert Belgium):

Translation of article:

Adam Lambert has been added to the line-up of 538 Live XXL . This has the radio station announced Thursday .

538 Live XXL takes place on October 10 at the Ziggo Dome. Amsterdam's concert hall will be converted into a radio studio , visitors are thus part of the largest live radio show of the year. From the stage , the DJs of Radio 538 will present live their program , they receive between known artists.

Earlier it was announced that John Newman , Lost Frequencies , Dotan , Eva Simons, Miss Montreal , Kenny B and Sharon Doorson this evening to give a performance.


Dee R Gee said...

Unless I'm reading this all wrong, it sounds like Amsterdam and Copenhagen on the same day? Ok. As if that's ot enough, I have an old penciled-in note on my AFL pocket calendar that says, "QAL Jakarta" on Oct. 10, also. That must have been a mistake!

Dee R Gee said...

Ok, I read it again. Figured it out.

glitzylady said...

@Dee R Gee
What you really figured out is that I somehow originally managed to list the wrong city in the title.. Very diplomatic of you to not mention that :)))

Dee R Gee said...

You're giving me too much credit. It doesn't take much to confuse me. :))))) Adam is moving around so fast I'll bet he forgets where he's going, too.

Adam fan # gazillion said...

The energizer bunny has nothing on him

Adam fan # gazillion said...

The energizer bunny has nothing on him