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UK's Lorraine Kelly on Adam Lambert: "He's like the son I never had."

Filed Under () by broddybounce on Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Posted at : Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Back on September 2nd, ITV (UK) television presenter Lorraine Kelly interviewed Adam on her show.  British entertainment website OK! just interviewed her about a disappointing interview she recently had with Kevin Spacey, but they also asked who were her favorite interviewees and she said Oprah...and Adam!
"If I had a son, it would've been Adam Lambert. Just absolutely adorable."

Admin Fan posted Lorraine's interview with Adam back on September 2nd, but that particular video has since become unavailable.  However, the segment (or most of it) did eventually get posted on Lorraine's YouTube site and we are happy to repost it here, in case you missed it:


donna w said...

How sweet is he?!?!? I just love case you didn't know!!

JAK said...

I wonder if Lorraine grew up in Scotland......sounds like to my ears!

Magiclady said...

I don't think I have ever heard him give a bad interview! He really focuses in on the interviewer.

choons said...

This charming man - wonder if he's met Morrissey?