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Adam Lambert @80's Talk Show Shanghai Photos!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Posted at : Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Kath said...

Don't know what's going on there but he looks like he is having fun!

Nanbert said...

Adam just has so much charm...transcends all languages ... just plain loveable!

Dee R Gee said...

Will there be vids of this? I hope so!

ila said...

What did they have him eat?

Lam-My said...

Ah-ha, Adam seems to have learnt the correct way of holding the chopsticks; this is the only way that allows the chopsticks to be mobilised without them getting stuck at one point on the fingers. It's a kind of lever system with one chopstick supported and the other movable, up and down for picking up even one grain of rice.
For more sinister use, a Kung-fu Sifu can kill with a pointed pair of chopsticks which can be used to jab ! at the enemy using internal kung-fu force, at a benign dinner the movies lol! But it was practised in ancient times and that kill skill may still be in about it 008 lol!