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Adam Lambert arrived in Sweden!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Thursday, November 12, 2015

Posted at : Thursday, November 12, 2015


Gabi said...

Can't keep up anymore...Wasn't he in Dubai yesterday? He's quite the jet setter and busy, busy, busy...Do all pop stars live like that? Of course most of them don't fly economy haha, which helps a lot. I think Adam is cut out for this though. He said only recently that it would drive him nuts if he was in LA for more than a week lol. Roll on Adam!!!

Jean Renard said...

@Gabi-Adam flew from Shanghai, China to Sweden. Dubai is yet to happen. I cannot believe how resilient Adam is from jet-lag, plus constant food and water changes. He absolutely amazes me. I get knocked out for two days even when I fly from Arizona to Washington, DC or Miami, Florida. I marvel at Adam's work ethic ... he is SIMPLY THE BEST, BETTER THAN ALL THE REST! Margarita Lady

The Dark Side said...

I see Adam was greeted by his Super Fan Alexander in Sweden. I'm sure this was a great thrill for him. It's cool!

Anne Marie said...

Sauli is in flight, hope he is headed for Sweden, to see our favorite world famous pop star. Yes Adam has been getting around a lot, and looks like it will continue thru next year. I will always bless Brian and Roger for seeing the potential of Adam, and acting on it. They seem to be his biggest fans, and singing with them has really given his career a huge boost.

Shelagh said...

Ah I do hope Sauli is there to meet him,think Adam needs his nearest and dearest with him,think they are soul mates as they are both beautiful men,inside and out !😍💕💕💕