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Adam Lambert Notion Interview > WHAT'S THE GOSS?

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Friday, November 13, 2015

Posted at : Friday, November 13, 2015


The Dark Side said...

His usual good interview. Adam always nails them easily.

Nanbert said...

Yes! I've always said there's two things Adam CAN'T do....1. Sing a bad note, and 2. Take a bad photo.

But I suddenly realize that there's a third...3. He can't give a bad interview!!!

Gabi said...

He mentions a lot that being home alone isn't that easy (if I understood that right). I can also imagine how he has a tendency to over-think things a bit. Seems like the current whirlwind traveling given the many professional commitments (and opportunities) is something we fans should not be worried at all about right now :) I adore him and I really like the classy handsome look he's rocking in this interview.