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Adam Lambert Singapore NYE CELEBRATE 2016 Promo Video

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Friday, November 13, 2015

Posted at : Friday, November 13, 2015


Jean Renard said...

LAM-MY, what an amazing night this is going to be with Adam. Will you be able to go? I must say that I just love to read about the incredible country of Singapore. Do you speak all four of the languages (English, Malay, Tamil, Mandarin) or just two of them as most of Singapore's citizens do? How impressive, highly accomplished and diverse this small country of only 5 1/2 million people is!! Adam loves your lovely section of this Earth. Margarita Lady

Lam-My said...

Thank you again ! Margarita Lady!
You are so well-read and aware of what is going on; yes indeed, a small country of 5.4 million people but Singaporeans are highly capable in the fields of education, medicine, technology, travel, humanitarian etc; like during the 2004 phenomenal earthquake 8.3 / tsunami that killed 230,000 people, hardest hit Indonesia...Singapore sent medical teams and chinooks to ferry supplies in the Acheh area, epi-centre. Whenever Singapore renders help like this, I feel very proud and touched. But we work like crazy! Believe you me! Now a little bit better with some companies/schools doing five-day week.
Oh our universities have teamed up with several American universities, eg. US Yale University and Tsinghua University of Beijing and many more, I've lost count. lwl! Margarita Lady, you know a lot more about universities; I always hear you talking about your college students, a source of your Adam recruitment zest lol! You are a genius in this respect lol!
A lot of China students flock here as they want to be proficient in both English and Chinese like US Yale-NUS University and NUS-Tsinghua University(Beijing) and others are highly sort in Singapore. Several offer joint/double degrees (4 years) 2 years of each of the amalgamated Universities.
Margarita Lady, not likely I'll be attending Adam's NYE Singapore...quite sad but it's not just the concert which only Adam's segment of 45 minutes I want to watch; it's an almost 12-hour affair at Marina Bay. People start gathering by the Bay area as early as 4 in the afternoon, a lot of activities / side shows to engage them, New Year's Eve...lasts till the wee hours, most likely 4 in the morning 2016. Actually, I have done that before years ago not in these posh surroundings though. If my daughter was here, I would be more likely to go because, I feel more at ease; I won't even have to look where I'm walking...she just walks to every nook and corner and I just follow...27,000 to 33,000 crowd. On my own, perhaps with a brother of mine, and a chronic health issue...not so inclined to go. Anyway, I'll still follow Adam every note he wails on our live telecast.
Thanks Margarita are one caring soul indeed! Oh to answer your question: I'm pretty proficient in English...Mandarin, can read and write a bit but speak Mandarin; Malay, can understand a bit, Tamil zero but I know a Tamil song lwl! My mother-tongue is Cantonese, the written form, same as Mandarin.
Oh have a great Arizona Adam concert !!

Lam-My said...

More like 'sought' lol!