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CCTV News Exclusive Video: Adam Lambert on his new album, Working with Queen

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Posted at : Wednesday, November 11, 2015


broddybounce said...

I thought this was a terrific piece, well put together. And what a wonderful insight Adam made about his career when he said that most artists first put out original material and then get their fans, whereas he, coming from Idol, got his fans first then put out the original material. I'd never thought about it that way before. That's very enlightening.

SO admire Adam for being so in touch with who he is -- actually, that's why I've loved him from the start. You all might be surprised to learn that, for me, as a gay man, it was never about physical attraction for me as far as my love for Adam; it was always my admiration for his always being WHO HE IS, not being ashamed of it, and for getting past all the images and stereotypes and simply working hard and concentrating on being a great artist. I wish I had the courage to have that self-worth and honesty and outward self-expression when I was younger.

So, for me, Adam has always been someone who is very inspiring to me, not only as an artist, but as a person -- and that is always part of my personal experience and the feeling I get when I am listening to Adam, watching him on video, or seeing him live.