Hop step jump...landed in Shanghai...Ah-ha, Tang Ah Yi must be so excited; she taught him some Shanghainese words on stage:侬好! Nóng hō! Hello! (Shanghainese)你好 Ni hao! Hello! (Mandarin)你好嗎 Lei ho ma / How are you...('ma' is a question tag / a greeting / Hello!) Cantonese, my lingo.I looked up and found a Cantonese version I've never heard/used before; mostly in HK...哈囉 - Ha lor! lwl! Quite cute. 你 / Ni / You ... 好 / hăo / goodTang Ah Yi also said Adam...hern shuai / very handsome and she couldn't take her eyes off him. lwl!
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Hop step jump...landed in Shanghai...Ah-ha, Tang Ah Yi must be so excited; she taught him some Shanghainese words on stage:
侬好! Nóng hō! Hello! (Shanghainese)
你好 Ni hao! Hello! (Mandarin)
你好嗎 Lei ho ma / How are you...('ma' is a question tag / a greeting / Hello!) Cantonese, my lingo.
I looked up and found a Cantonese version I've never heard/used before; mostly in HK...哈囉 - Ha lor! lwl! Quite cute.
你 / Ni / You ... 好 / hăo / good
Tang Ah Yi also said Adam...hern shuai / very handsome and she couldn't take her eyes off him. lwl!
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