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Videos: Adam Lambert The Original High Tour Beijing Part 3

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Sunday, January 3, 2016

Posted at : Sunday, January 03, 2016


Dee R Gee said...

Glad to see more videos being posted form Beijing. Not seeing many comments, but I have a few thoughts. I LOVE Adam's staging and visuals! It's about time he got to set up a professional, eye-catching stage with cool graphics. It really adds to the punch of the show. I like his outfits, too.

Hope he incorporates a little more dancing into the show, but not so much as to distract from his singing. which is the most important thing to me. Adam moves around the stage in a dance-type way when he's singing, BUT, in my opinion, choreographed dancing has never been his strong suit. He's a little clunky at it, I think. I love seeing him move more onstage, so I hope the dancing parts, over time, become more smooth and natural. He has a beautiful body, tall and lean. I love watching him use it.

As for the set list, it was wonderfully diverse and covered all three albums. I thought that the majority of the songs, with a few obvious exceptions, were more of the low-key songs. He definitely used a lower voice register in a number of songs, too. I hope he changes up the set-list now and then throughout the tour and includes some more up-tempo songs like Shady and Fever (both fan favorites) as well as maybe Kickin'. BTW, I LOVE that he is FINALLY performing Runnin' onstage! We've waited so long for that! I would be in heaven if he ever sang Pick U Up live onstage. He's never done it. I like how he's weaving If I Had You through the band intros. I am now on Team Reggae for that song and I think it's fun when he puts on a little Jamaican accent. Some people say that the band intro should be shorter, tightened up a bit. That's probably right. The band (and dancers/BU) deserve their due for sure, but maybe it does go on a tad long.

All in all, Beijing was a fantastic first outing for the TOH tour. I can see him getting more relaxed and more comfortable with the show and set list. It think this tour will definitely build up steam and just get betterer and betterer.

Anonymous8 said...

Awwwww..........I don't think he is clunky at all. He is not a trained dancer, but he has great stage movement derived from his theater background. With his long limbs and natural litheness, he has always reminded me of a sleek panther on stage. He moves with the beat and emotions of his songs.

A lot of club dancing and current choreography incorporates hip-hop movements, and they have the look and feel of "heavy" and "clunky", which I can see in the dance segments.

Nanbert said...

I prefer Adam's "dancing" when it is unrehearsed and spontaneous --- when he just moves as he feels the music and mood. Then he's always "right on"and real.... graceful, elegant, and very masculine.
It just seems to fit his style better than rehearsed movements.