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Legendary Pic Of The Day!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Monday, February 22, 2016

Posted at : Monday, February 22, 2016


Nanbert said...

Whatever happened to those wonderful fringed sleeves? I hope they turn up again when Queen and Adam go on tour this summer. Adam looked so marvelous in them!... and who else could pull that off?

Dee R Gee said...

I was thinking the same thing. I love that fringe! Esp. when he spins around at then end of STL. Hope he brings it back the QAL shows this spring. Wonder what the set list will be? Wonder if they'll add some different songs. Hope they keep KQ. It's one of Adam's many masterpieces.

Nanbert said...

Yes, Dee R Gee, that spin was epic! The first time I saw it was on Youtube -- the very first U.S. QAL concert.. Chicago, I believe. I actually squealed and clapped my hands with delight! And I watched for it at every concert after that.

I'm sure their festival set lists will have to be shorter than the QAL concerts ... like Rock in Rio. But I doubt that KQ will be performed, since it needs a venue that can be quieter so that people can see/hear the performance. I believe these festivals will be mostly outside...with big crowds...and probably pretty noisy.

Dee R Gee said...

I think you're right. Probably no KQ. I first saw QAL in Chicago, too. You and and I just might be semi-neighbors!

Nanbert said...

I'm from Pittsburgh...only saw the QAL Chicago concert on Youtube. However, I visited my sister in New Jersey, and we attended BOTH the Philadelphia and Atlantic City QAL concerts.. loved, loved, loved them!

Queen and Adam are absolutely magic together--- made for each other---PERFECT!!!!

Let's hope that QAL will eventually put out a DVD of their tour --- for history, for posterity, for both of their legacies....FOR THEIR FANS!!!!!!