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Adam Lambert On Snapchat: "Bedtime Stories" Presented By The "Pink B**ch" et al (aka Adam) ;)) 5-27-16

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Friday, May 27, 2016

Posted at : Friday, May 27, 2016

Adam Lambert on Snapchat 5-27-16: 8 Snapchat stories combined.. presented & explained by the "Pink Bitch" aka Adam and other interesting Snapchat screen/characters..

All set to his vocal "rendition of Madonna's masterpiece 'Bedtime Stories'"

Recorded  from Adam's Snapchat and uploaded to You Tube by Kathy Katz

Posted by @glitzylady for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS


Nanbert said...

I have to comment on Adam's snapchats a bit. Sometimes they are so unsettling that I hesitate to open them .,.. lord knows what's going to jump out at me! Also, one wonders sometimes if Adam is finally "losing" it!

But then he comes out with some hilarious character like the last one -- with an entirely different voice and a killer accent and delivery and one realizes that Adam really is a chameleon -- with tons more talent to be exposed over the years. He could be a one-man show! He DOES make me laugh!

JAK said...

I find I'm happier if I don't watch them.

Magiclady said...

I love his snap stuff, this is hilarious!

Anonymous said...

I love your turn of phrase, JAK. :-)

JAK said...

@ fluttsp.........Thank you ma'am or sir as the case may be.

Dee R Gee said...

I wish he'd get some sort of TV or movie character to play what lets him use his natural talent for accents and witty delivery. He's better than a lot of actors at it. He's got a subtlety and nuance beneath the silliness. I know this stuff is really inane most of the time, but it's fun and creative in a free-form sort of way. I hope RHPS gets him some attention and maybe opens a few acting doors.

Dee R Gee said...

And JAK, I love your short but punchy comments, too. You have a way of saying a lot with very few words. You're a witty soul, just like Adam. I think the two of you would have a very interesting conversation if you met face to face. And, of course, you could then tell us how he smells. :)

JAK said...

DRG.......If I could get close enough for a sniff or two
I'd inhale lustily and then report to you.
Of course......nothing too sweet would do.
Perhaps a lemon hint, sort of fresh and new
A tangy clean whiff to thrill us thru and thru.

Anonymous said...

ROFL! Me too.
"JAK said...
I find I'm happier if I don't watch them."

Nanbert said...

JAK... happier?... probably -- but I'm just too "nosy" to NOT watch. I scroll by in brief moments of self protection, but sooner or later come creeping back with my "'satiable curiosity" running the show. It is not always a rewarding experience!

Most of the time I wish Adam didn't have insomnia.... but other times I see glimmers of that multi-talented genius and wicked wit of our chameleon man-child that delight me and send me into peals of laughter.... WORTH IT!!!!!

Dee R Gee said...

Love the verse, JAK! A man's smell can make all the difference.....

And Nanbert, I am always too nosy to just skip on by those silly instagrams even if they're totally WEIRD. I love Adam's quirkier side, too.

Nanbert said...

Dee R Gee, what I love about Adam's "quirkier" side is that he feels comfortable sharing it with us.. that's a precious commodity. I love his openness! It makes him REAL and FUN!