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Fan Art! NEW "black nail polish" chibi Adam Lambert

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Posted at : Tuesday, June 28, 2016

  Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS


The Dark Side said...
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Lam-My said...

Helloo Chibi Adam! I see you are becoming quite attuned to 24/7. Painting your toe nails to while away your time; but you're very busy now with your X Factor Judge gig.

Helloo Lam-My! Yea, I am quite a regular here now. It's fun especially with you trailing me and asking me a lot of questions. Oh, while I paint my toe nails my brain neurons are actually sparking, sending/receiving messages.

You must be missing your Queen Chibis; what a helluva show you fellows designed and executed. So now it's back to the drawing-board to be a Judge and the reverse takes place; now you watch and others sing/act. Not easy to be a judge, of any kind for that matter, cuz you really got to know specifically, accurately the direction, substance and then decide with honesty, this case, if the contestants will be able to compete in the real world.

Yes, picking the right winner with that special talent, instinct to succeed in the real world is challenging cuz I have to know what exactly the music market/industry wants because eventually they make or break an artist to a great extent.

Yes, I can sing notes that don't exist; ultimately, it still boils down to the sales without which an artist can't actually push on further. And that's what makes Queen music/songs special lasting 44 years to date.
In my case, it was quite a bit of good fortune as well; like Queen, finally took a last-ditch chance and signed me up as their new Frontman. Whoa! their arenas make me look like Moses commanding a sea of heads; your strange analogy. lol!

Sometimes like Mark Antony on the Forum steps...'Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears...' lwl!

Chibi: That's another strange analogy...hoo hoo hoo!

Okay, to go, they are paging me on the PA. My nails are all done. See what I neurons act best when I'm relaxed.

That may not be true for my case, my brain function slows down when I get distracted by another task/action/noise other than what I am doing; so I work best in a no-distraction environment; though I love active participation in a forum/discussion... 再见!

Lam-My said...

Oh Chibi Adam...I forgot to Congratulate you on your fantastic success The Original High Tour and Album, around the world; that in fact is the brightest jewel in your Crown!

Anonymous said...

This Chibi Adam is oh so adorable. Creativesharka is extremely talented.