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NEW!! VIDEO Queen + Adam Lambert: Pre-Concert Interview For LFO Life Festival In Poland (6-19-16)

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Posted at : Wednesday, June 01, 2016

NEW!!! Interview with Dr. Brian May, Roger Taylor & Adam Lambert of the legendary group QUEEN, in anticipation of their upcoming concert at LFO Festival in Oświęcim, Poland on June 19, 2016.

UPDATED WITH EMBEDDED VIDEO (below) in addition to the link to the video!

This interview was pre-recorded earlier along with other previously seen official interviews, but this latest one was just released today.

One of the topics of discussion was the LFO Life Festival's proximity to Auschwitz, the German concentration camp during World War II. The festival is known for it's theme of being against any form of intolerance..  Please watch the video, as there is much more discussed here..

LINK TO INTERVIEW: LFO 2016: See exclusive interview Queen and Adam Lambert!

Video uploaded to You Tube by AddictedToAdam 

Screen caps below by @glitzylady for Adam Lambert 24/7 News from the interview video:

Posted by @glitzylady for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS


Anonymous said...

I've visited several Jewish concentration camps including Auschwitz and nearby Birkenau. Words cannot express how sad I felt when I was there, and I still have these sad feelings for the immense persecution, horror & injustice these people suffered.