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Adam Lambert on German TV - filmed during The Original High Tour in Berlin - April 29th 2016

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Posted at : Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS


Dee R Gee said...

I must say that this woman's husband is VERY understanding. My DH likes Adam a lot and really "gets" him, but I don't think he'd like a whole room in the house devoted to AFL. Women are allowed go a lot more overboard with celebrity worship than men are. I can't imagine a guy decorating a whole room in homage to a celeb. (although I do remember my son covering his bedroom walls with metal band pix). But HEY, if all this Adam Devotion works for the both of them, I say YAY! He seems to be having a good time with it, too. Gotta say she picked a great one to love.

Adam handled the meet and greet thing so well. He's so classy about it. But he really dodged her face-touching attempt (twice, I think). Can't blame him. There ARE boundaries.

Oh, and he's a doll.

Unknown said...

Oh dear lord! I'm German an this is baaaaad!!! I couldn't even get through the whole video the first time because it was so disturbing. This women is downright scary!
What is Adam gonna think of Germany?^^ ...but he lived here, so he's somewhat familiar with the country.
No offence to the girl but as the guy, I'd run as far as I could. It's not like it's the first time she's so devoted to a celebrity.
I was at the concert and wondered why TV was there^^ i know