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Adam Lambert on skystunna Snapchat 8-5-16

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Saturday, August 6, 2016

Posted at : Saturday, August 06, 2016

Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS


Unknown said...

Does anybody know? Is this Adams place?...and who is this Skytunna guy?^^

glitzylady said...

It's Adam's home.. and the guy is a friend.. It seemed a little invasive of Adam's privacy to me, to be honest.. :((

Nanbert said...

I agree, glitzylady.... seems quite invasive. I wonder if this Snapchat has Adam's approval.
That said, nice decor (what I can see of it) -- if that is really Adam's home.

Anonymous8 said...

Adam could have taken this video down, guess this is one of the risks one takes with his beloved Snapchat. His inner circle of "friends" are usually protective of his boundaries, not sure what happened here.

Having said that, happy to see that his sanctuary from the world is as tasteful, peaceful and stylish as I would have expected.

Unknown said...

Adam does look up from his phone in the snap so he did know he was being filmed and when the guy dances I think it's actually Adam holding the phone so...I'm guessing the snap has Adams approval..

Nanbert said...

Marion M, good point. I noticed that, too.... but there's no way to know if a third party wasn't holding the phone while he danced. Also, everything was on the same snapchat... yet the brief view of Adam showed him occupied with his own phone.

All speculation!

Anne Marie said...

Sky is probably a casual friend, who seems to be showing off that he is actually at Adam's home. Adam doesn't seem to be very interested in what Sky is doing, and as was said it doesn't show if other people were there. I doubt that we should waste our time in any speculations, or Adam would have deleted it. He seems to only allow pics of his friends when they are just friends and nothing more. Seems to me that this guy showed poor judgment in what he posted. Looks like , from this pic, that Adam is having a restful time, as I am sure his last gig, involved a lot of rehearsal and practice, and he did just slay that song "Faith".

Anonymous said...

Adam's boyfriend <3

tomnodak said...

Adam has had great fortune with his privacy a tribute to how he treats others. Remember Queen will not last forever and there may be a puppy and a beach house in his future. Good for him. The boy in the film didn't commit no crime.

glitzylady said...

@Tom Cariveau
You're so right about Adam.. He's a kind and generous friend. And no doubt he'll find ultimate happiness in his career and his private life when the time is right. When these Snapchats came to light yesterday, there was some concern about Adam's privacy being compromised. It would seem that as far as we know he was okay with these candid vids.. And as long as he gave his permission, I'm good with that! He's just very private usually. It was fun seeing a little glimpse of the decor in his home.. Thanks for commenting.. :))

Unknown said...

no offence people, but Adam private? (He deserves privacy obviously!) Remember that little article in I think it was a London news paper, during the time of QAL Summerfestival tour this year, that had this little interview with him. To the question what his dirty secret was he answered: "I had sex last week."^^ (by the by he did also show us his sauna in his own snap)

but I guess it's all just speculation on our part. I'd rather say Adam has good taste in friends who respect him than that he is so very private.
Not to relativize but if the snap had shown what kind of pictures Adam keeps up in his house, of like his family and friends then I'd be concerned or if it had shown a more private room, like bed- or bathroom.

Dee R Gee said...

That young guy reminds me a little of Justin Bieber. Not a good thing.

choons said...

I agree - too Bieberish.

glitzylady said...

As long as Adam is having a fabulous, fun, restful time at home, with friends, that's the important thing.. It must feel really awesome to be home in LA for a few days.. to enjoy his house that he rarely has the time to enjoy..

Dee R Gee said...

glitzy, you're right. Adam is having some much-needed R&R. Lord knows he'll be extremely busy again soon. It's not generally in my nature to have a snark attack.

Nanbert said...

Sometimes Glamberts are overprotective of Adam. I'm just as guilty.

I guess there's a fine line between being protective and being "busybodies".

Actually, he's pretty patient with us. He has made it clear that he appreciates us "having his back", but you KNOW he has to get exasperated with all our dissecting everything about him.

Unknown said...

@Nanbert: I totally agree with you. I had the same thoughts...

Adam might not have given the snap another thought, while we've been well...

and yes glitzylady, as long as Adam is having a great downtime and is having fun and enjoying himself...

choons said...

He must be so tired of hotels, fab as they may be.
To sprawl on your own couch with your own friends watching your own big-ass tv.
Pure Luxury.

Ella said...

Omg i love this blog!