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Viewing Options: ABC's "Greatest Hits" With Adam Lambert 9 PM - 11 PM EDT Thurs., 8-4-16 WC, Streams

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Thursday, August 4, 2016

Posted at : Thursday, August 04, 2016

Adam Lambert will be performing George Michael's hit song(s??) on ABC TV's "Greatest Hits" 2 hour LIVE FINALE on Thursday, August 4th, 2016. 

The show runs from 9 PM to 11 PM (EDT & PDT in the US, 8 PM Central). 

Adam Lambert just retweeted  @WarnerBrosPromo's tweet and reminded us that he'll be performing tonight (as if we'd forget!) :))

Note that the ABC network show is live only for the East Coast US. Other broadcast times in other time zones in the US will be recorded versions.

For all the rest of us, both US and International fans, see the info below for  Live Stream viewing options, World Clock, etc..

Brief video preview of the show from @greatesthitsabc Twitter

To watch live as it happens, see Live Stream info below

For those who are not able to access the show on their televisions at those times, there are other options: And note that other live stream options may happen as the day goes by.

ABC GO App: Link here to watch

The Bitbag Article with some Live Stream links: Gives Stream Links HERE

And another live stream link option here: Clink on the link in the tweet below to "Hidden Remote" article for LINKS for "Stream 1" & "Stream 2"

Also, if you miss the show entirely, you can watch via On Demand on Comcast etc.. the day after the show.. You can also catch up on the previous 5 episodes AND tonight's FINALE via that option OR you can go to ABC online at the link below and watch as well (the FINALE will be posted after the show airs).

Greatest Hits Episode Guide: Season 1 Full Episode List at

Our ever faithful Adam Lambert fan @mmadamimadamm gives stream links for International fans below: Note that the World Clock is based on East Coast US air time for the show and the times given are for that time for the live streams ONLY. 

We'll update as new info becomes available today! And of course, MANY THANKS to the streamers, and to @mmadamimadamm for coordinating that effort.. 

Posted by @glitzylady for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS