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Adam Lambert IG Videos: Peepin Sheep 1, 2, 3

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Thursday, September 8, 2016

Posted at : Thursday, September 08, 2016

A video posted by ADAMLAMBERT (@adamlambert) on
A video posted by ADAMLAMBERT (@adamlambert) on
A video posted by ADAMLAMBERT (@adamlambert) on

 Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEW 


Dee R Gee said...

Johnny. :)

Anne Marie said...

They seemed to be so excited to see some sheep, I thought they were out looking for the 30,000 gay guys. Guess I was wrong. Those sheep had a lot of wool on their bodies, couldn't confuse them from the half naked guys. Although Johnny may have, depends what he was high on, LOL.

Nanbert said...

Maybe Johnny didn't find any "gay guys" that appealed to him. LOL

BTW, what language was Johnny speaking, anyway?

Anne Marie said...

Johnny speaks totally effeminate English, believe it or not, along with effeminate gestures. Although I have yet to come across a female speaking like this, or with these kinds of gestures. But some gay guys do. So glad Adam does not, I think it would ruin his career if he did. Adam has a lovely speaking voice, that has been trained to articulate the English language.

Nanbert said...

I wonder if Adam speaks that way when he is with his friends. He kind of straddles two worlds, doesn't he?

It must get confusing, although I guess he's had a lot of practice switching back and forth by now.

Adam always comes across as very masculine and alpha,especially when performing, and I assume that is his true persona. I doubt if he could, or would, fake that, as he is so intent on "being himself".

Anne Marie said...

When Adam had Johnny and Terrance as his dancers, there were many complaints about Johnny being too feminine. Terrance did not dance that way. Surprise, when Adam planned his next tour Johnny was replaced with a girl dancer, no complaints. So all these , supposed to be open minded people , did not like Adam with Johnny as one of his dancers. The complaints or comments went to his wearing shorts, which I agree with too. But we would not be his fans without finding something to talk about and give our opinion, over riding Adam's opinion on what he likes to wear. I know he must have seen the comments about the shorts as part of his stage appearances, and Adam is the most stubborn person, when he wants to be, and I am sure he picks out shorts now, just to hear the comments, that he doesn't give a sh-t about. Same goes for his hair.

Dee R Gee said...

Johnny is who he is. I don't think he could change his persona, and he might not want to. He is free to be himself. Adam does move seamlessly between his straight world arena and his gay world arena. He can be comfortable and acceptable in both worlds. No one should have to fake who they really are or live dishonestly. Johnny is a friend and he surely has people who love him just the way he is. He sure likes sheep!

Nanbert said...

Dee R Gee... You sounded perfectly reasonable and adult... right up to that LAST LINE!
Hahahahahahaha! Broke me up!

funbunn40 said...

I wasn't a fan of Johnny Rice on the older tour & thought he was distracting instead of enhancing, which is what I believe is what the dancers are there to do. He seems to be more suited to the WeHo clubs in LA which plays to a more specific, avante garde group. Holly & Terrence, in my opinion was a great fit,edgy & blended so well with Adam & would appear to a more mainstream audience. Adam is such a good looking, exciting guy that loves to change it up as we well know, but sometimes seems to visually sabotage himself right before an event that will play to a huge audience. The GNT video a case in point, when he shaved the sides of his head before filming & was disappointing for me, only because he's so drop dead handsome. I also love the tight pants showing off his long, lithe legs & am crazy about the outfits on his TOH tour, but I respect his creative expressions of himself & it's his life & choices that make him happy. He certainly isn't going to care what we think. lol

funbunn40 said...

I wasn't a fan of Johnny Rice on the older tour & thought he was distracting instead of enhancing, which is what I believe is what the dancers are there to do. He seems to be more suited to the WeHo clubs in LA which plays to a more specific, avante garde group. Holly & Terrence, in my opinion was a great fit,edgy & blended so well with Adam & would appeal to a more mainstream audience. Adam is such a good looking, exciting guy that loves to change it up as we well know, but sometimes seems to visually sabotage himself right before an event that will play to a huge audience. The GNT video a case in point, when he shaved the sides of his head before filming & was disappointing for me, only because he's so drop dead handsome. I also love the tight pants showing off his long, lithe legs & wasn't crazy about the outfits on his TOH tour, but I respect his creative expressions of himself & it's his life & choices that make him happy. He certainly isn't going to care what we think. lol

Anne Marie said...

Don't make the mistake of thinking Johnny cannot change his speech and actions, the only thing he cannot change is his sexuality. Many people have had to change their speech to fit what is required, whether it is for a movie, or where I grew up, you had to speak the "Queens English', that means correct pronunciation of words, if you wanted to get certain jobs. You might have to take elocution classes, but it can be done. If he wanted to become a lawyer, or a cop for example, you bet he would change. He would still be gay, but he would speak more mainstream. Johnny plays on his persona to get work in WeHo clubs, and other dance positions. Nothing wrong with that, but don't say he couldn't change. He likes the way he is, and so do a lot of other people, including Adam, who considers him a good friend.

glitzylady said...

Johnny is one of Adam's long time friends.. He seems like a sweet, gentle, man and I love that Adam has friends he can vacation with, be himself, and be relaxed and comfortable around, and share some fun times with, because heaven knows he doesn't get a lot of down time with his busy schedule.. .. That's the important thing to me..

I do think most of us have different patterns of speech depending upon who we're around, where we are.. I know I do... :))))) I can use my proper English one minute, lapse into the more casual dialect of where I grew up the next..

I appreciate that Adam shares a little sliver of his life and his friends with us... Social media is unfortunately an increasingly unfriendly place these days.. So keeping our comments here on this very public Adam Lambert fan blog (about Adam, his friends, etc..) respectful and kind and considerate is something we should be aware of.. A place where anyone can feel welcome, including those who may see a post including themselves, such as Johnny, or Terrance, or Sauli..

Adam shares with us but it could change in the blink of an eye. I don't know that he sees what we post here (probably not but...) but he does see comments on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.. More and more celebrities have decided to share less, or delete their accounts entirely.. Hoping that will never become a consideration for Adam.. Just a thought...

PRS said...

Good thoughts Glitzy. Thanks for posting. I'm with ya!

choons said...

Love Johnny. He's gorgeous and a fabulous dancer and funny.

daydreamin said...

I concur @Glitzylady:)

ICU2;~}INVU4URAQT said...

Thank you glitzylady....very important words. Seems social media has become so negative that it scares the BGB'S out of me....would hate for Adam's Twitter and Instagram to go quiet.....