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Queen Tweeted: Currently opening up the @QueenWillRock + @adamlambert set list on the Asian Tour...

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Monday, September 19, 2016

Posted at : Monday, September 19, 2016

Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS



Kath said...

I thought of Disney's Maleficent when I saw the new outfit(different head piece). How lucky to be able to express yourself, have fun, and dress-up.

Nanbert said...

OMG! That PROMO!....why show the "early" Queen? Why not show the "present" Queen and Adam Lambert?
I find that insulting -- time to come into the 21st century!!! Adam deserves better! This stuff keeps happening ---NO EXCUSE!

Anonymous said...

Adam is loved wherever he performs with Queen & surely that's the most important thing.

Nanbert said...

fluttsp... That's why he deserves a promo advertising Queen with HIM. He's worked hard for that recognition, and it's HIS performance with Queen they are promoting.

They have to have a zillion clips of Adam performing all those songs.... why not use one of them to advertise their show WITH HIM, instead of a.... 1980's VIDEO OF A DIFFERENT PERFORMER---even if it is Freddie?

It's not the first time this has happened-- a lot, maybe most, of promo material has used Freddie in their promotion for the Queen and Adam Lambert, videos, background music for interviews, etc. We've all seen/heard it.

How many years has Adam been Queen's frontman? -- How many tours have they had?---How many countries have they performed in? How many records, CD's, videos, DVD's, albums, and merchandise of Queen has been sold at those concerts?

Yes, undoubtedly Adam is paid an guest artist. But he is more than that, he is an equal partner in making those tours a success. In fact, without him there would be no tour. He should benefit equally, and get full credit in, ALL ADVERTISING done for their tour. His own separate career depends on that PR as well. Freddie is gone!

I don't know if I've explained myself very well -- or if anyone else thinks it's important. But I feel that Queen has finally acquired an unshakable STATUS/STANDING in the world by now--- but Adam is STILL working on his. He needs ALL the quality PR he can get now!

Anonymous said...

Queen has had 'an unskakable STATUS/STANDING in the world' for decades. It didn't just happen recently. They are one of the greatest rock bands ever.

I feel sure using this video clip isn't meant to take anything away from Adam performing with Queen but to serve as a reminder of how great Queen has always been, and to encourage people to attend their concerts.

Nanbert said...

Yes, but in a sense, QUEEN is already in the history books. This is a re-incarnation called QUEEN AND ADAM LAMBERT, which still is making its own history.....not the same band, not the same frontman.

Since, unfortunately, there evidently will never be any recordings to memorialize this historic reincarnation (fingers crossed for DVDs some day), at least Adam should fully share in the PR generated, because he is at the "beginning" of his career, and needs it the most. The recognition he gets now is very important for his own career, because every performance with Queen could be their last.

I agree that the video clip doesn't "take anything AWAY from Adam"--- it just doesn't ADD anything TO him. It's almost like a "bait and switch"! IMHO

Rosemary White said...

I'm not going to complain about Queen/QAL's publicity campaign or criticize it. They know what they're doing. Adam is receiving a wealth of positive publicity everywhere he performs with Queen, so if a lot of people around the world didn't know about him before, they certainly do now.