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Rocky Horror Fox IG: Adam Lambert is riding into #RockyHorror as Eddie, October 20 on @foxtv!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Thursday, September 1, 2016

Posted at : Thursday, September 01, 2016

A photo posted by The Rocky Horror Picture Show (@rockyhorrorfox) on

Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEW



Nanbert said...

Can't wait!

daydreamin said...

Can't wait for the promo's too!

Anne Marie said...

I can definitely wait, only want to hear him sing, period. The movie is nonsense.

Nanbert said...

Anne Marie, maybe you're missing the point... it's SUPPOSED to be nonsense...a complete farce. I haven't seen it in person, only parts and pieces on youtube. But I guess its charm is because it's become a "group performance". SO "bad" that the audience mocks it, and shouts out lines they've memorized (and found funny)---gets dressed up in outlandish costumes--- and turns it into a goofy party.

At least that's how its been explained to me. If Adam plays it true to form, he'll be really over-the-top with his performance, which unfortunately is a small part in the whole movie.

My understanding is that "Rocky Horror" is SO BAD that it became iconic! Kind of a spoof of all the movies about... "lost travelers on a dark and rainy night who seek shelter at a spooky castle inhabited by spooky people"!