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Gold 1043 AU: Jo & Lehmo Chat With Adam Lambert

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Friday, November 4, 2016

Posted at : Friday, November 04, 2016

What a journey. After finishing as runner-up on American Idol in 2009, he's since sold over 3 million albums and 5 million singles worldwide.
Now, he's the new front man of Queen and judge on the X Factor, Adam Lambert joins us to take part in a very special Fri-Yay! Have a listen to Jo & Lehmo's full interview with Adam here:


Jo & Lehmo Chat With Adam Lambert 

Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS


Dee R Gee said...

Adam's diva comment is getting some mixed buzz, so I've heard. But he meant it in good fun, I think. Lord knows, he's been called a diva himself. I think it was in a light, friendly way. My guess is that each judge on XF has kind of an "identity" that they are supposed to portray. Sometimes there are made-up "feuds" and arguments. Hey, it's a TV show. Adam seems to be very popular doing this gig and I think it's given him a boost in OZ. He hits a home run wherever he goes.

Anonymous said...

The media love to blow up every harmless comment made. Adam is very well-liked as a judge/mentor on this show, and in the pop/rock world in Australia. In the Sunrise interview, they called him an "honorary Australian". :-)))