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Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Friday, December 2, 2016

Posted at : Friday, December 02, 2016

A photo posted by ADAMLAMBERT (@adamlambert) on

Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS


Lam-My said...

"The only real valuable thing is intuition." ~ Albert Einstein.

That is pretty humble, coming from Einstein who I've always perceived, never relying on intuition; rather, on solid Maths and Science formulae.

"It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer." ~ Albert Einstein.

Einstein comes across as very humble but profound...mathematician/physicist/scientist/inventor who was never satisfied with what he discovered; always looking for the impossible, even as he passed on; taking with him his last unfinished grand unified theory to his own space and time.

Nanbert said...

I ran across the phrase "Many Moons Ago" for the umpteenth time a few days ago, and thought how uniquely American it is... the idiom is so commonly used by speakers and writers of American English, but rarely used outside the U. S.

It is considered to have originated with the Native Americans, who measured time by the phrases of the moon...and means, simply, a long time ago.

The Native Americans must be amused by their phrase turning up so often in speech and literature, music (Nat King Cole, Frank Sinatra, Eminem, Patsy Cline, Bob Dylan,etc.). "Many Moons Ago" is even the name of a song in the Broadway Musical "Once Upon A Mattress".

I doubt that one could find an American who is not conversant with the phrase "Many Moons Ago", although it is not common outside the U.S.

Nanbert said...

Sorry, Glamberts... don't know what/who triggered that musing on "Many Moons Ago". Just chalk off this whole page as "Useful/ Useless Trivia" (your choice).

That's what happens when faced with a photo of hair and skin products ... minds tend to wander aimlessly! LOL

Lam-My said...

Using the Moon to record periods of time dates back...

"They reckon Times past by no Revolutions of the Heavenly Bodies, but the Moons...the *Spaniards had made to the Westward, intimated 'twas a great many Moons ago."

"The oldest known lunar calendar was found in Scotland at Warren Field and dates back to around 8,000 BC. Alexander Marshack, in a controversial reading, believed that marks on a bone baton (25,000 BCE) represented a lunar calendar. Similarly, Michael Rappenglueck believes that marks on a 17,000-year-old cave painting in Lascaux represent a lunar calendar."

"The present traditional Chinese calendar is the product of centuries of evolution. Many astronomical and seasonal factors were added by ancient scientists, and people can reckon the date of natural phenomena such as the moon phase and tide upon the Chinese calendar.

Many moons ago... to mean many months based on the phases of the moon.
I may have initiated the use of this phraseology on this site...and I got it directly from my late dear colleague Richard Chia; neither he nor I lay claim to its origin. And no specific country/tribe can lay claim to its origin because it dates way back to ancient times.

By the way, Person above can't tell the difference between 'Phrase' and 'Phase' and wants to kick up a row on Moon! Go fly a kite...preferably under a full moon for best results on the brain/mind.

Anonymous said...

@Nanbert, the expression"many moons ago" is used in English-speaking countries around the world, not just America.

Nanbert said...

Fluttsp... notice that I said it is "rarely used" and "not common" outside America....NOT never... and even then it often comes to them through American speech, writing and music... which happen to include that Native American expression.

Marking time by the moon is not unique to Native Americans, of course. But that is not the point here. The point is that expressions of theirs have become incorporated into the American language by association--- a bit of Americana, if you will.

I'm sure many expressions of the Australian Aboriginals have seeped into Australian English in the same way. They are also an indigenous people embedded in an English-speaking country. And, at the same time, I feel sure we have heard, read or even spoken them unknowingly.

It's a small world, after all.

Nanbert said...

BTW... Isaiah Firebrace is a Native Australian-- an Aboriginal -- which makes his win on X Factor doubly sweet, don't you think?

Nanbert said...

They are both "ancient" people -- the Native Australians and the Native Americans -- the original inhabitants of their continent.

Lam-My said...

'Many moons ago' is archaic...not likely to hear it used nor written; unless for poetic purpose or jest which was my intention using it, for fun! Normally, people would say 'many months' or 'a long time ago'.
For instance, my late colleague, a voracious reader who enjoyed toying with words...he was asked how old he was; he didn't want to reveal his real age and craftily replied: 45 + many moons! He was 57+ then. lwl!