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Adam Lambert Instagram: Beach Day @saulikoskinen & my girls' awesome kids + Pharaoh. Such light and joy. #healing

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Sunday, January 22, 2017

Posted at : Sunday, January 22, 2017

Posted by Adam Lambert on Instagram

@adamlambert: Beach Day @saulikoskinen & my girls' awesome kids + Pharaoh. Such light and joy. #healing

A photo posted by ADAMLAMBERT (@adamlambert) on

For the Instagram "scorned": screen capped by @glitzylady

And, just Adam and his new little buddy, Pharaoh. (screen capped from Adam's original photo by @glitzylady)

Posted by @glitzylady for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS


Anonymous said...

Very heart warming!
Who is taking the pic?

Dee R Gee said...

Is there a cuter damn couple in the whole world? I think not. What a lovely, cozy picture. Adam is blessed. And so are we.

Nanbert said...

Whose kids? Alison's?

Nice photo!

glitzylady said...

Alisan Porter's children: Aria & Mason (Mason was with Adam in the other photo that both Adam & Alisan posted on their IG pages and is featured here on Adam Lambert 24/7)..

CT said...

Awww, such happiness and love in this picture! Look how relaxed they all are.....even Pharaoh is chilling :)))) So happy for Adam.

NoName said...

This is so very lovely photo. Adam's smile is so natural. No posing, no duck lips, no tongues out etc. Just pretty people and beautiful dog and joyful smiles. So natural, so down-to-earth. Mason seems to have something to show to Sauli, Pharaoh is chilling on his dad's lap. They look so cosy and contend. I love this photo. Sauli probably leaves today b/c he has his hosting gig on Tuesday. I don't even dare to think there is anything else but friendship between Adam and Sauli, but I'm so glad they still enjoy each other's company and keep in touch. At least as long as either of them finds his true love and starts dating seriously. BTW was it Mason whom Sauli was holding when M. was just born; Adam and Sauli were sitting on a coach and Sauli was holding some child. It was maybe year 2011 or 2012. If so, now there was reunion. :)

LTA said...

Adam's smile is always different when Sauli is around and it's a great thing indeed!:) Early b-day gift for our Superstar and wish them both a healthy life.

MINNIE said...

Such a beautiful picture and I like that Adam has someone to enjoy the normalcy of just being with. Genuine happiness and joy during a visit. I'm so happy Adam shared part of his privacy with us.

The Dark Side said...

Whatever holds these two together in spite of the great distance must be strong. I think their happiness being together always shines through IMHO.

NoName said...

But then he gets me down to earth by liking again Matthew Eriksson's IG-photo. Does anyone know what connection they have b/c Adam does not like every photo of his other friends (Joey, Terrance, Danielle etc.), Matthew is the only one? M. is very good-looking but so are many other guys. Sorry, this is totally OT, but Adam's latest like aroused the question again. Maybe some MV later when Adam has some new music, but still...

Unknown said...

What an awesome family picture! *lol*
This will get the shippers and speculaters going^^'s a good thing we as fans never tend to go overboard *rofl*

No seriously the caption melts my heart! Great so see him surrounded by love

After that CRAZY schedule of his last year and going through crazy studies myself last year I can only imagine how healing it must be psychologically. As sayed above in the thread. Adam spoiled us so much last year he deserves a down time, as much as I and all the others would love to get anything from Adam. And inspiration will strike when it will...

P.S.: I admire Adam for sharing so much with us and sharing that he's spending time with Sauli. He didn't need to put up with all that comes with...

daydreamin said...

I've been wondering what exactly Adam meant by "#healing". I wondered if was something between Adam and Sauli...?

Marion M, you have an interesting perspective. What do any others think?

Unknown said...

We'll never know the true nature of their relationship (until officialy revealed by either one of them). When Sauli visited Adam with Queen and Adam revealed in a interview that his naughty secret was that he had sex that week I thought they might be friends with benefits.

What get's me going about this picture is: Adam is not stupid. He KNOWS this very much looks like a family portrait of a picture perfect family. He is also PERFECLY aware how this picture will be percieved...that's what geht's me wondering if there MIGHT, POSSIBLY, EVENTUALLY, MAYBE...
As much as I wanted to avoid specualting because I want to give Adam the room he needs to find the love we all want for him, but I just had to get that thought out of my head...

Unknown said...

@daydreamin maybe the healing might be a couple of things...
the crazy scedule, I can only speak for myself but last year I felt like I was "floating" psychologically...the shooting in orlando, it seemed like it shook Adam quite personally...the election/inaugeration...there's a couple of things...

Dee R Gee said...

People who become famous are often told, "Always keep your true friends." Adam is wise. He has done just that. Fame may fade, but if you still have your true, loyal friends, you can always be happy and accepted. I love this photo so much. Says it all.

Anonymous8 said...

JMO - "it's not that deep". Adam shared a nice pic that fans would enjoy. Shows that he credits his fans with the ability to grasp that ex's can transition into long-term friendships. He went with an ex to an art show in NYC too. People succeed at this all the time.

There was a revealing interview a while back when Adam said that as much as he would like a relationship, he may very well remain a bachelor. He said ( more or less)that he may be one of those persons who has several significant relationships during his lifetime. This tells me he is in a good place either way. This pic resonates with all who see it because it defines true happiness without any traditional context.

I know I am in the minority and I do respect the views of others, but cannot understand why some feel that Adam's life is incomplete and less fulfilled without Sauli in it on a regular basis. Both seem to have found the perfect balance for themselves.

Nanbert said...

Anonymous8.... I agree with much of what you said.

Adam is not a traditional "lonely bachelor". I'm sure he never needs to spend a minute alone if he doesn't wish it. He has more close, long-term friends, and family, than most people ever do... a credit to what a good, kind, fun, talented, and intelligent man he is. And this circle is constantly enlarging all over the world, as he returns again and again to cities on tour.... because he is so engaging and attractive that people are drawn to him everywhere he goes.

I saw the interview, perhaps the same as you did, where he said he may remain a bachelor. I watched it again to see the mood he was in when he said it. I saw no sign of regret or unhappiness in his response... rather a matter-of-fact statement...which he seemed perfectly comfortable and relaxed with.

Like you, I do not feel that Adam's life is "incomplete and less fulfilled" without Sauli or some other permanent "significant other" in his life.

But, of course, that could change someday.

Anonymous said...

Saulibert is back together <3

glitzylady said...

I'm SOOOO pleased to see Adam looking relaxed and happy and rested here, with his dear very close long time friends and his new buddy Pharaoh. It's always very cool to see that Adam has continued his friendships over the years, with his ex's (in this case Sauli Koskinen) included. Adam is one of those wonderful human beings who seems to have the ability to maintain and cherish his ties with friends, no matter who they are, for years.

He and Sauli have both said they remain close friends and I'm taking that at face value. Beyond that, only they know the depth of their relationship. I'm good with that.. They're both such kind, sweet, inherently GOOD men and I wish them the best. And I do have to admit I hope that someday they both find love with someone special, whoever that may be.. It has to be incredibly difficult to maintain a serious relationship in the world of celebrity and touring and having a public life..

I also love that Adam really does seem to have a private life i.e. he is able to keep his private life private and out of the public eye, unless he himself shares photos like this with us.. We rarely see him in paparazzi photos unless he's working and fair game.

It says a lot to me that he and Sauli are both comfortable enough to share just a little bit of themselves with fans, when they know full well that people will speculate on what this trip "means" beyond two friends getting together for some catch-up time..

Love this photo! Beautiful children, happy dog, happy Adam!

Thank you Adam (and Alisan Porter) for sharing this otherwise private moment with us..

Anonymous said...

I love this photo of Adam, cuddling his dog, Pharaoh so warmly. :-))

funbunn40 said...

I'm so glad that Adam has such great friends in his life & some free time to stay connected. He looks so content & happy. I'd love to see Adam with a long term partner, whether Sauli or someone else, as long as he's fulfilled. He sure loves Pharaoh & finally got his "little brown dog." I appreciate his sharing of this personal moment. I think he knows that the majority of his fans respect his privacy & just want him to be happy. I'm guessing that #Healing is just a reference to the election & all of the disappointments & devisiveness. Great comments from everyone. :)

daydreamin said...

I loved hearing all of your thoughts and Marion M and Funbunn40 I want to say that I think you may have hit the nail on the head when you mentioned healing being about the election. It makes perfect sense to me. Love the photo. I am so glad that Adam now has a dog to keep him company and have a companion for those lonely times he has talked about from time to time.