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Adam Lambert Tweeted: Hats off to all the powerful females who inspire, manage, mother and kick ass. #internationalwomensday

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Posted at : Wednesday, March 08, 2017

Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS 


Mi Re La said...

Women worldwide LOVE YOU ADAM

Lam-My said...

I wasn't aware March 8 my birthday is International Women's Day until yesterday. lwl! Well, my rights are very much intact in my country...not so in many other countries where they are subservient to men and their society/biases.

Lam-My said...

Aha! Above date: 3883 ... Birthday Bingo! lwl! Interprets as: my daughter's birthday 3 August and mine 8 March...3883.
The above date shows only one 8...look again...17 is 8 in numerology. lwl!

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

Hi!! Lam-My ... Happy Birthday to you too!! Mine was yesterday!! I hope you have a wonderful day!! I'm an 'octogenarian' now ... one of ADAM's 'older' adoring Glamberts!! I really enjoy all your posts(poetry) about ADAM & now your 'conversations' with his new baby Pharaoh!! Oh! don't they just seem to be a perfect fit for each other?? Love them both!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

Thank you ADAM dear!! It's good to know we are appreciated ... we don't always hear it so eloquently!! Bless you for thinking about us!! LOVE YOU & your SWEET PHARAOH!! Love 'n Light

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

The Dark Side said...

Adam is fortunate to have many great female role models in his life. And his female fan base is devoted as well.

Lam-My said...

International Women's Day
They have always been the backbone of life
They slog it out no matter what others say
Simply because there is no other way
Sometimes at their wit's end
To keep torment, suffering, injustice at bay
But, they don't just give up
It's not their inherent fierce makeup
In fact they shake things up
And people soon wake up and ask: What zis this?
So onward we march...
But I do like some fun...
As all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
And Jill can't enjoy the spoils
So Happy International Women's Day!
Which falls right smack on my Birthday! lwl!

Lam-My 8 March 2017

Lam-My said...

Hello Tess! Sooo happy to hear my birthday greeting from you because our 7 and 8 are so intertwined as far as Adam goes. We both love Adam with different expressions but it's still love, no matter how one expresses it.
Yes, I wished you Happy Birthday yesterday; so far I have done that every year because Mar 7 and Mar 8 are intertwined via Adam. Thank you for appreciating my poems and dialogues with Pharaoh. Now Pharaoh has become my favourite rockstar dog. lol! Adam seems calmer and happier after Pharaoh came into his life. Thanks a lot!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to the birthday girls, Tess & Lam-my. Hope you both had a beautiful day.

Every day is, or should be, international women's day.

Lam-My said...

Thank You fluttsp!

Dee R Gee said...

Well said, Adam!

Magiclady said...

Thank you Adam for appreciating us women!

Mi Re La said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Lambert Outlaw and Lam-My from Romania. March 8th is a very important day in my country.Men women are giving them flowers, sweets,jewelry . I have received from my husband first 2 albums Adam (I'm a fan newer than you).My husband says that Adam is the best friend of mine.

Lam-My said...

Thank you Mirela!
I think you all have a good way of showing love and care to one another. I also think we should express love and concern to others every day, whenever, wherever we can; like right now, I feel much love on my birthday even from so far away. One may think it's not real but I feel the love all the same. lwl! Thanks!

Lam-My said...

Kindred Thanks! I got your birthday greeting and left a message for you on the previous thread.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday to all the birthdaykids on here!!! ;) Hope you had a wonderful day with family and friends!

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

Thank you to all my fellow Glamberts here at 24/7 ... my cyber family ... that's how I refer to all of you ... if not for you & your personal experiences posted here on 24/7 ... I wouldn't know what was going on in the world anymore or in QAL Land either!! Love you ALL & GOD BLess you & keep you happy, healthy & safe!! Light 'n Love

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Lam-My said...

So we celebrated International Women's Day in an inclusive, special way; look at all the brave women from all over the globe gathered to bestow blessings and wishes on two ole birthday gals!! on Adam 24/7.