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Billboard's "Queer Necessities: Billboard Pride's August Spotify Playlist" Features Adam Lambert's "Two Fux" AND Photo!

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Posted at : Tuesday, August 01, 2017

Billboard's "Queer Necessities: Billboard Pride's August Spotify Playlist" 

Includes Adam Lambert's most recent single "Two Fux": 

"..A real winner to add to his already impressive discography."

A bit about the Playlist:

"To cope with the fast-moving summer, we're proud to present to you the first edition of Queer Necessities, a new monthly LGBTQ-driven playlist from Billboard Pride where we catch you up on the latest and greatest bops by queer musicians and fierce allies...." 

Read more about the playlist in the FULL article at the embedded link below

Adam's photo (by Lee Cherry) is the featured header for the Playlist!!

8. Adam Lambert, “Two Fux” Adam Lambert is throwing his middle fingers up with an empowering new single called "Two Fux." This melodic kiss-off is equal parts grown and gritty as Adam lays down his simple truth: "I only trust my tarot cards/ Pink flamingos in my yard/ People think that I'm from Mars/ whatever," he declares over the intricate, electro-pop production. A real winner to add to his already impressive discography.


The Playlist  on Spotify embedded here: Adam's "Two Fux" is in the #8 position (scroll down to listen)

Posted by @glitzylady for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS


Dee R Gee said...

TFux is my summer earworm.

Anonymous said...

Nice to see Lee Cherry on board again.