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Fanmade Video! Adam Lambert & Sauli Koskinen in Greece Oct 1, 17

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Sunday, October 1, 2017

Posted at : Sunday, October 01, 2017

Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS


Anonymous said...

He's gonna get a mouth full of bugs riding a motor bike with his mouth open.

glitzylady said...

And thanks to @Lilybop on twitter for putting this together and posting to You Tube.....

Dee R Gee said...

Isn't love grand? LOL

Dee R Gee said...

Please say a prayer for the victims of the horrific shooting attack in Las Vegas! While we look at the lovely pictures and videos of Adam and Sauli, watching them enjoy the beach, play chess, take a helicopter ride, etc. it's good to remember how fragile life is. Give your loved ones an extra hug.

Anonymous said...

Most definitely, DRG
Also requesting prayers for friends of my son that live in Puerto Rico in Juncos. They were hit the hardest, have not been heard from and no aid has been sent in to help them.

Dee R Gee said...

Lollymop, So sorry to hear that your son has not received help yet. Hope it's soon. We all have so many people to pray for in so many places.

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

No explanation ... just more tragedies for the world to deal with!! If it wasn't bad enough ... one hurricane after the other ... finally they have subsided for a little while ... people are daring to draw a cautious breath again ... now the rebuilding process begins!! Hopefully the world will help the victims & not just depend on THIS administration to do what should be done!! This has to be a United World effort with America at the forefront!! Hope it will be!!

Now we hear this HORRIFIC news about another bloodbath at an outdoor concert in Las Vegas ... where the VICTIMS stood enjoying themselves while some demented murdering monster sprayed them unmercifully with automatic weapon(s) in an unending torrent of terror from 32 stories up in a nearby hotel & where there was no place to hide!! GOD REST THEIR SOULS & HEAL the SURVIVORS!! AMEN

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

OT ... I had my legs measured today .. lost two inches on each one plus I was measured for the compression pump ... was given an on the spot demo ... was very pleasantly surprised ... very easy method ... no pain .. only a gentle pressure & release for a half hour several times a day .. as much as I can tolerate!! Now I have to see if my insurance will cover me ... if not maybe I can work some kind of a payment plan!! GOD is GOOD!!

Thanx for all your support Glam Sisters!! Wish me Luck!! Light 'n Love

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Nanbert said...

Hurray for you, Lambert Outlaw, things are looking up! Usually, if your doctor is insistent that you need it, the insurance will cover it. Good luck!

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

GOD Bless you .. Nanbert .. you've been such a ray of sunshine to me throughout this dark period in my life recently!! Yours & all my Glam Sisters' kind words of support have helped me more than I could ever begin to tell you all!! Losing Mom was devastating & being unable to leave my house for any length of time only added to my gloom! Now having lost two more members of our dwindling family has really had a depressing effect on me!! It seems that GOD has taken pity on me & has sent me help so who am I to turn away from it!! Not only that but my son & his wife & son have moved in with us temporarily & she is an Angel!! Sweet & caring & so even tempered through all my whining & crying & complaining!! I'm really trying to count my blessings & I truly LOVE ALL of YOU for caring!! Light, Love & real gratitude for giving me your time & advice!! Thanx! Guys!! I really needed a boot in the butt .. albeit a gentle one!! I'll keep you all updated on my progress ... no back sliding this time!! I swear!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

My friends in Puerto Rico have made it into San Juan. They are alive. They need lots of help and I'm going to pitch in. I'm so happy I feel like dancing in the street. They need every basic thing we take for granted.

Nanbert said...

Lambert Outlaw... great attitude. Just give others the GIFT of helping, and don't try to "do it all". Just be your own sweet self, keep a smile on your face, and work hard to get better!