BILLBOARD: "Who Should Perform at the 2020 Grammys? Vote!"
Filed Under () by broddybounce on Thursday, October 10, 2019
Posted at : Thursday, October 10, 2019
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Adam Lambert at the 2011 Grammy Awards |
Glamberts: we all need to vote — and spread the word!
current results (10/10/19):
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Voted. Anyone know how many times, we can vote?
WEll, Adam is fifth on the list, so that nice. It would be great if he got a chance to do it at some point because he has already proven that he's a really good host.
Dee R Gee....isn't this contest for performing, not hosting?
I would LOVE to see Adam perform on the Grammys. THEN I would watch it! It's time for the current music scene to become tuned into what a REAL voice sounds like! Who else besides Adam can sing anything/everything live and make it his own?
Of course, I voted. How many times can I do it?
Oops! I goofed. Totally misread it. I was five other things at once. YES! I loved to see him PERFORM at the Grammys! I don't know who that is at the top of the list, but I know BTS is huge! If Velvet/SP became a mega-hit, I think he'd have a shot. I'd love to at least see him AT the Grammys. And BTW, he would make a great host.
Think you can vote multiple times. That why big numbers for the top ones. Keep voting all you can until they say stop. Voted twice I'll vote more. Did not go to sleep until 10 this morning. That's why have not voted more. I streamed all the songs and especially SP off and on all night. When those little teen age girls start crazy voting it's hard to beat. Oviously we are late to the party. At least we can get Adam up there as much as possible.
Adam talks to John Kearns by John Kearns Music
The John Kearns interview is very nice. I think it was record @Sept. 25 or so. Can't wait to see and hear Adam back to his old self again.
Voted on the Grammy thing! Give Adam some more votes!
BTW, just got some info on Streaming. If you stream on a paid site like Spotify, every 1,250 streams equals one album sale.
If you stream on a free site, every 3,750 streams equals one album sale.
BB does not count video streams. BUT it's important to keep the videos viewing going, too, so that those numbers are strong.
Voted but a long way to go to catchup to number 1
It's just a poll, not a election of a winner for the job, but it would be nice to keep Adam's name up near the top.
Dayum I loved this look on him, so handsome and hot!
Voted again. He just needs strong backing by his fans I believe you can put in multibles.
Going to vote again. Please do not let the voting on this poll detour your backing Adam song and album.
Adam has my vote! :)
I remember this look . . . one of my favorites!!!!
A bit of pop music - EP Review: Adam Lambert – VELVET: Side A
Adam was gorgeous here. To me he is even more gorgeous now. The more mature Adam. He looked perfect on K and R morning show. Still so glam.
Just voted 25 times in a row the first time, waited an hour and voted 25 x's again. After that it says we have already counted your vote. So,lets vote 25 x's an hour as often as possible. Know he won't win but, he is ahead of people I would have thought would be front and center. Glad his name made the list.
Good advice, Lynn. I just came back from doing about 20 myself.
Adam Lambert will be on ITV2 Celebrity Juice episode 3. October 24th 2019 10pm - 10.50pm.
Adam Lambert | Velvet: Side A | Reaction Video: CC Reacts!
Hi everyone .. since we can keep Voting .. let's try our best to overcome those guys in the lead!! We are Glamberts & we have done it before .. hate to say how many days & nights I sat & Voted as often as it was humanly possible for me!! So Vote! Vote! Vote!! everybody & spread the word on Twitter .. FB .. IG .. & Ytube!! OK!! Go!! GLAMBERTS!!
tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)
Me, too!....dozens of times! Going back again.....while "Velvet: Side A" streams! Oh my!
Here's the Japan segment from the UK Broadcast of "Show Must Go On".. also the ending is slightly different with the credit as well
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FYI....Just out of curiousity, I checked out how Adam is doing vs. his nearest competitor, Billie Eilish (never heard of him/her!).....comparing the chart on this page with the real-time results now.
On this page, the starting point for us...... the chart shows Billie about 11,000 votes ahead of Adam.
Currently, Adam is now only 6,682 votes behind he is pulling up slowly but surely. And he's still well ahead of other top echelon U.S. singers, and maintaining that distance. How nice!
Of course, the three groups at the top are so far ahead that they're out of sight...looks like whole countries are voting for them!
Keep voting, Glamberts!
Who are those groups that are so far ahead. Never heard of them. Adam should be the one winning all the way.
creamtangerine, they are the three biggest Korean girlband / boyband groups in the world. The one at #1, blackpink, is a girl group and the other two, BTS and SuperM, are boy groups. I don't know why now, vs. in the past, Korean pop has gotten so popular all over the world, not to mention here in the US, but they've taken hold of late. BTS, in particular, is very popular here and has been featured on all kinds of award shows as well as, believe it or not, Saturday Night Live.
In the meantime, our Adam, who has been on the charts for a decade and has been performing with the hottest classic rock band ever, has never been invited on SNL. I don't know, maybe Exec Producer Lorne Michaels doesn't like him, it's a mystery. However, if Superpower or another of his singles really bullets to the top, maybe they'll finally give Adam a guest spot on an episode. I'd even be happy to let Adam do one song and then have Q+AL do another.
Thanks everyone for voting so much -- fingers crossed!
Thank you broddybounce and glitzylady for all that you do for us fans! Sue good to know you'll be back from time to time! :)
Really, thanks for the infro. broddybounce.
Wow! Just came back from voting again....and I'm so proud of us Glamberts! You can see the total for Adam changing....he's steadily overtaking the one above him and leaving the ones behind him further back!
DON'T SLACK now Glamberts....our steady and determined voting will definitely open a few eyes!
We probably can't catch up with those 3 Korean groups...but no need... the Grammies surely won't oversaturate their program with all three....probably only take one.
And yes, broddybounce and glitzylady, thanks so much for keeping us "in the know". Your posting of this Billboard voting site makes it easy for me (who doesn't wander the internet as much as most Glamberts do) to quickly access the site and vote regularly and often. Without you, I would never know about the voting. But thanks to you, I have been able to help Adam with dozens and dozens of votes....and lots of streaming (on the site you also posted here!)
GREAT NEWS!!! I read minutes ago of a fan asking Shoshanna about Adam that we fans miss him, any news for this week? She answered this; "lots going on! Then next week Germany! Then the UK :)))". Happy way to start this new week and also I voted for that Grammy thingy and Adam still in 5th place but numbers going up! Billy Eilish has 40,241 ( yesterday she was at 39,... Adam has now 39,050! He was at 37,... yesterday. So I'll be voting throughout the day! Btw with the exception of the Korean bands Adam is the ONLY one who hasn't performed on Grammy, so he deserves this!
Ran into a fan comment on Twitter and she said Adam has a cold and getting better. Soooo if that is the case, why did the fans and MYSELF included blew his illness out of proportion? I'm telling you guys we're all crazy, me too! Crazy for Adam! Lol
Well, Sunflower, how do you know whether that fan knows any more than we do?
If I went on the internet and said Adam has leprosy, I'm sure that "news" would shoot all over the world, and be quoted as "truth" by many others! Adam aptly describes that as "the game of telephone".
Yep...we're all crazy! Without any facts, we're either forced to make things up...or believe something another person makes up!
Only Adam knows the truth...and he's saying nothing. So should everyone else!
The Grammys are on TV January 26, 2020.. QAL will be in Tokyo January 25th & 26th.
Sorry about the bad news. I just started thinking about the dates, and looks like there would be a problem, but nothing is impossible. Just wishful thinking. And yes, keep voting as Adam has just about caught up with Billie.
Adam Lambert - Closer To You (Live Sessions)....just found this on YOUTUBE. check it out....Terrific Terrific Terrific Just put up today.
You guys I voted again and Adam is in 4th place and ahead of Billy Eilish by about 200! Whoo hoo!!!!!
Thanks for your kind comments, Nanbert, we truly appreciate it, we love doing it -- and thanks to everyone for your passion in helping Adam to rise in the poll -- AMAZING WORK, GUYS!!
AND, Lynn, yes, sad, that you've discovered that the Grammy's and Q+AL Japan dates conflict (great sleuthing on your part tho!). I wonder if they had no choice or they simply forgot about the Grammys (particularly for Adam, who probably isn't thrilled he can't attend, especially with his album release). Funny, Queen was on The Oscars earlier this year because of BoRhap but not The Grammys. ?? Maybe they should do a "live satellite" from Japan of them performing a song -- although, unfortunately, it wouldn't be an Adam solo.
Whee! Adam is now well out in front of Billie Eilish! Great work everyone! Now we gotta KEEP increasing Adam's lead!
And now we gotta battle with Korea! Whoa!
Not again!! lol Bad joke!! I've been going back & forth between Ytube & Grammy poll to keep the songs streaming & VOTING as often as I can!! Caught myself a dandy of a cold too!! Now that's a mystery .. haven't been out of the house in over 4 years so someone must have brought to me!!
LOVE the new B&W video of Closer to You!! I've got that on a loop too along with all songs from VELVET .. trying to take my mind off of the EP which still has not arrived from Amazon .. what good is pre ordering if you have to wait this long?? No matter ... once I get it I'll order another just in case I have to wait that long again!! Well I guess the old saying is true .. "Good things come to those who wait" & I know what I'm waiting for is GOOD!!
Thank you 24/7 for all the info you post here .. you're my go-to site for all things ADAM so I can connect with the rest of the world .. here & Ytube!! You guys ROCK!! You know that??
tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)
BTW .. I read on Ytube that ADAM's album isn't eligible for Grammy this year because of not meeting the deadline or some hogwash!! Don't know how true this is so don't quote me .. I'm just repeating what some Glambert said!! Can this be true .. can we check this out?? If it is true .. it's just another stone in the road like back in 2009-2010??? when Time For Miracles was ineligible for the Oscars because the song wasn't written for the movie 2012!! I guess since ADAM won't be able to perform on the Grammy's b/cz of the tour .. it won't make any difference to him!! Regardless .. the album should still be eligible to be Voted on by the panel or whatever that does the Voting!! JMO
Well back to Voting, streaming & listening to some great tunes by the Master!! Bet Pharaoh loves his Master's Voice too!!
tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)
The Grammy awards broadcast, and as a result, eligibility for an award, have been pushed up a month so as not to interfere with the Oscars broadcast. So as a result it is most likely the case that Adam’s album will not be eligible for a Grammy award this time around. 😢
Here’s the link to the article via the LA Times to read the full story
By the way, assuming Velvet will not be eligible for consideration for a Grammy this year, it certainly would the following year, unless the dates of eligibility change back. I would also assume that there are a number of artists who are not happy either with the eligibility date changes.
We’ll see how this all evolves.. and on a perhaps more positive note, some of his music released before the new deadline could still qualify for a nomination...
I have been voting all is always something with the Grammy or something. I think maybe he would have more of a chance next year anyway.
It takes promotion of the songs and getting them out there. Doing these concerts certainly helps it all.
I think Adam's main objective is getting his music out there that he loves. He could not perform this year anyway. He is booked for QAL.
That does not mean we should not vote and keep his name up there on the Grammy poll.
I can't vote in austria
Hooray!! Miracle of miracles .. I got my VELVET:Side A CD in the mail today all nicely packaged by UPS .. in perfect condition so now I can listen to the songs in my easy chair with my head phones .. more comfortable & I can fall asleep & wake up to great music without the kinks & spasms I get by falling asleep in front of the computer!! I don't do it on purpose .. body has a mind of it's own!! Ah!! Youth!! How quickly you have abandoned me without even a whisper of Good bye!!
So it's back to the Grammy poll & streaming & doing what little I can to feel useful!! ADAM is still in 4th place behind the Asian groups but ahead of the rest of the contenders!! Good job Glamberts!!
tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)
Well .. I'm back again from Voting & streaming!! I've found that since the allotted number of Votes allowed each hour each time you vote & not a steady non stop vote .. I only Vote 20x instead of 25x & I can go back & re-vote more often that way just as long as I don't exceed the 25 allotted vote count!! So .. I VOTE 20x .. take a break .. do something else .. then go back & Vote another 20x with no problem!! I have been doing this 2 or 3x per hour as long as I don't get the signal that I can't!! Try it & see if it works for you guys too!! That way we can double our Votes "legally" ... no harm .. no foul!!
tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)
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Best top ten hostings (2020)
I like this information Thanks for sharing this. I would like to these articles and I have confusion but I read your news and I easy understood
Best top ten hostings (2020)
62nd Annual Grammys awards ceremony is scheduled for January 26, 2020 at 8:00 PM EST in STAPLES Center, Los Angeles, CA
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