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Adam's Current Destination: on his way to Lafayette LA!!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, September 26, 2009

Posted at : Saturday, September 26, 2009

BREAKING NEWS! Adam Lambert spotted on his way to Lafayette LA!!

According to this comment from someone from MJ. (A reliable user)

dsp: Sounds like the private party in NO did take place…I hear Adam is now on his way to Lafayette LA…. A NO fan that I met in Memphis has pics on her facebook but I don’t have access right now….is this the thread to post if I get confirmation or in the headlines?? Or has this been confirmed already by someone else???

Ooo! Ooo! I think the private party stuff is on this thread, but you might want to mention on the headlines thread to look here.

As far as I know, no one has CONFIRMED the private party yet except for you…so post away!!

People in LA right now, good luck!

According to another comment from another user, Adam may be attending a certain event!

The only event I see for today is “Downtown Alive”. That could be an interesting cultural event. Cajuns and downtown Lafayette. Lafayette is a small town compared to LA, but cajuns like to party. Adam may learn to zydeco.


Anonymous said...

Get with it...the new album cover is out...update.