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Adam Lambert Speed Painting

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, December 3, 2009

Posted at : Thursday, December 03, 2009


Anonymous said...

Nice. Except that it doesn't look like Adam!!

Anonymous said...

Actually it's pretty good but you need work on your depiction of his hair and his face is not that fat. Nice job on the eyes as those are really tough to get. B

Anonymous said...

Wow, very interesting to seen how you did the painting. Art is interpretation not copying, at least that is what Picasso, Cezanne, Lichtenstein, Boticelli etc did. Adam Lambert knows being an artist means you can't please everyone.

jan said...

Good Job ! Very Entertaining..

Anonymous said...

Nice depiction. Looks like a cross between ADAM & ELVIS to me .... but it's still nice! Good job!