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Adam Lambert - Not Ready To Make Nice

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, December 3, 2009

Posted at : Thursday, December 03, 2009

I feel that this song totally fits what Adam is going through right now. The Dixie Chicks wrote this song when they had the backlash back in 2003 and since then their album has sold over millions and they have won a lot of Grammys.

They never apologized for what they did. Yet they are one of the most successful and most respected artists in the music industry right now.


Anonymous said...

I love the Dixie Chicks and I love Adam. I guess I just love rebels.

Anonymous said...

It's hardly the same thing. Natalie said she was embarrassed GWB was from her state of Texas. For that she had her own life threatened and her children were threatened.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the above comment. It's totally different. To me, it is treasonous to run down your country (our current president has done this) or your president when you are in a foreign country. It made her look like as ass, which before that, I liked them. You don't see 'em much anymore. This situation has nothing to do with national security, only one's own personal security. People don't have very much if what he did bothers them. It's just sex, geesh! He didn't kill anybody.