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Confirmed Appearance: Adam Lambert on Larry King 12/10

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, December 4, 2009

Posted at : Friday, December 04, 2009

Adam is set to appear on Larry King Live Thursday, December 10. Put that on your schedule!


Anonymous said...

what channel is Larry king live on?

Anonymous said...

Larry King is on CNN and on Direct TV that is 202. I am stoked that so many stations and companies are picking Adam up after Adam Bigoted Channel (ABC) dropped the ball BIGTIME and canceled so many of Adam's future appearances. They will rue the day! ABC is FIRED! Boycott ABC, I am! Love You Adam! Muuwwwaaahhhh! XD AdamsbabyMAMA1!

Anonymous said...

Will the Larry King spot air earlier than the Babs Walters interview? -its on the same day!

Anonymous said...

Barbara Walters interview is on 9th, The View and Larry King is on 10th.

In a related story, why did everyone laugh when squeaky-clean Donny Osmond literally attacked Bruno on DWTS? That is on at like 8:00 where I live and everyone thought that was funny. I don't see the difference quite frankly. Can someone explain that one to me? Personally, I think it's because everyone knows Donny is straight and it was a joke. Bruno is over-the-top flamboyant so it was just funny, not shocking for some reason.