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Kara DioGuardi: I Get Why ABC Has Banned Adam

Filed Under () by Admin on Friday, December 4, 2009

Posted at : Friday, December 04, 2009

Kara DioGuardi understands why ABC pulled the plug on Adam Lambert.

"We're living in a pretty bad economic time, so they have to do what they have to do to keep their advertisers," DioGuardi tells me exclusively. "Networks are doing what they think their viewers want and don't want, so it's just budgetary."

That said, the American Idol judge didn't see anything wrong with Lambert's controversial man-on-man performance at the American Music Awards.

"We always know he's going to shock us, right?" she says. "He's going to wow us and give us the unexpected, and that's his thing...That's what we look for."



Anonymous said...

Exactly. He is the most unique, talented gorgeous entainer I have ever had the privilege to enjoy. His vocals and his theatre put me in a wonderful, enjoyable place. I have never, never enjoyed a super, super star like I have enjoyed our iconic rock star Adam Lambert. No one can compare. Absolutely worship him and respect him as an artist.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I know you "get" why they did this to Adam, but why do you just sit there and not try to CHANGE is they might lose some sponsors...big deal....they will get other sponsors...Was Madonna and Brittney "banned"...Was Eminmen Banned after bragging about "17 rape charges..400 assault charges" and then the rest of his performance sounding like a rerun of a Jerry Springer show...every second word beeped out????...No??, I guess then, its ok to rape and assault people, but kiss someone...oh my disgusting...we cant have people kissing, especially same sex people....Get real...ABC is just promoting homophobia to the max...and it bugs me that no one is trying to do anything to change it...This would not happen in Australia, I can assure you..or even in Europe...we embrace talent, no matter what form it comes in, and there has not been, in over 40 years, someone as talented as Adam Lambert

Anonymous said...

Kara, Kara, Kara(sighs) You "sorta get it", but not really poor girl.Ya see, sponsers are NOT going to pull out over a racy performance that late at night!! GET REAL! It is ABC being homophobic and discriminatory, plain and simple! Now go to Studio 57 (or is that 54??) and if you can't HELP Adam, then shut the hell up and go dancing! (I know your're a blonde that dyed her hair dark, not easy to fool people Kara) ;)

Anonymous said...

Who are the sponsors for ABC? Maybe they need to be boycotted and not have their products bought and that'll teach 'em how to freakin' control the American public who happen to love ADAM.

Anonymous said...

1500 complaints out of 14 million does not suggest to me what people do and don't want to see.

Anonymous said...

These cancellations are not innocuous, and Kara's inability to see this does not speak well for her. This overkill of cancellations will serve as an example for other artists, and will result in intimidation and suppression of artists for years to come. Kara's "understanding" that it is money above all, especially coming from an "artist" is empowering the forces of repression that are at the root of this decision by ABC.

Anonymous said...

Gee, Kara -- I sure hope I never need you as an advocate because that was a pitiful plea on behalf of your "friend and co-writer". I think I'd rather have my 8-year-old grandson stand up for me against an entity that you are clearly in fear of. I really think Adam deserved a better stand from you -- and ALL the judges, including Ryan Seacrest (for obvious reasons).

Anonymous said...

Awww, Kara - after your terrible "No Boundaries" you had almost won me back with "Strut". Now this. Some politically correct response designed not to upset ABC. Sorry, not good enough, girl. ABC might have been able to justify the GMA cancellation, as Adam had initially planned to sing FYE again, but with a toned down performance - but no way can ABC justify their continuing punishing of Adam AND his fans by cancelling Kimmell and NYE.

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Kara ... we the consumers understand about the money ... that's why ABC & it's sponsors are being BOYCOTTED by ADAM's fans. That should make an impact on sales and ratings ... BTW ... we're PETITIONING ABC as well as bombarding them with OUR complaints.