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Ted Casablanca on Adam Lambert

Filed Under () by Admin on Friday, December 4, 2009

Posted at : Friday, December 04, 2009

"Interesting past couple of weeks: Adam Lambert pushes the sexuality envelope by tonguing a guy on national TV, and the world cries yuck. But chicks such as Britney Spears, Madonna and Tila Tequila do the same and everyone thinks it's just so dangerously sexy. Double standard, anybody? Yeah, what else is new in antigay America?"


Anonymous said...

AMEN! This guy is cute!

Anonymous said...

On the other hand... who said that two guys kissing is not sexy and hot. It is America!!! You TV owners and producers are sooooo wrong about women today.

Anonymous said...

Ugh tila tequila. We all forgot about her. I once saw one of her episodes
and it was her dressing lik a slut and making out with women. I saw this around 4/4:30. It was disgusting.
Furthermore, what kinda shows are they on vh1? Bret Michaels, tila tequila, that Antonio guy - it's all a bunch of has-been celebrities, or at least not as famous as they think they are, pick some slutty obsessed fans and have them do challenges that have no relation to why they were on the show. The winner goes on a date and he/she sleeps with her. So pretty much by the time the season is over, he/she has slept with all the girls, and probably bases his/her decision who he liked the best.
Which is no surprise that he/she always comes back for another season, because apparently their "love didn't work out" wonder why?
Anyway got off topic. But if that kind of stuff mentioned above ^ can be shown at primetime, Adam lambert can't kiss a guy. Sick and wrong