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Adam Lambert 28 years ago!!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, January 31, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, January 31, 2010


Anonymous said...

LOL! What a cutie. ^_^

Anonymous said...

I have to say as much as I adore him and how hot he is, I personally think all newborns are kinda ugly :/. No offense at all. In some of his pics when he was a toddler he was the most adorable little thing!!!!!! I just think newborns are too premature or whatever to be called cute.

~ Emmaline ~

Anonymous said...

who knew that after 28years he will be GOD OF SEX and ROCK?

Anonymous said...

I agree with post2 all newborns are kinda ugly. And while this certain isn't he best picture (lol) there's something about his face that just cracks me up! I don't know, but this picture NEEDS to be made into a sacastic marco or something. He has this look like 'bitch please' born in leather and lace for sure.

Anonymous said...

Awww! He DOES look like an alien from Planet Fierce! ;) <3

Anonymous said...

Hah! That little baby's expression is saying: What do you want from me?????????!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

"Hah! That little baby's expression is saying: What do you want from me?????????!!!!!!!"

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA SO FUNNY! i can't stop laughing

Anonymous said...

I think the freckles are as close as his DNA could get to glitter.

Anonymous said...

I think the L&D nurse inadvertently grabbed her cinammon toast breakfast and dried him off with that, versus a towel. He had sprinkles the minute he hit planet Earth.

Anonymous said...

I bet he had amazing vocals then...starting with his first scream!

Anonymous said...

I bet he wasn't even pitchy. lol

Anonymous said...

ohso cute!'re a cutie pie