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Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, January 30, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, January 30, 2010

Credit: katie02151989


Anonymous said...

Let me be the first to say...GORGEOUS!

Anonymous said...

wow, he's certainly sparkling tonight!

Anonymous said...

Not my favorite- too shiny and appears to cut him in half - makes him look older - maybe somebody just took bad pics but the designer should have told him

lyn said...

i agree, adam's outfit was too shiny, looks sparkling but did not suit him.

Anonymous said...

I bet it looks great in person. Adam has great taste. I suspect it's the lights or flash. Pics 2 and 3...he sure looks happy.

Anonymous said...

not my fav look too. but he looks gorgeous as always and i'm happy to see him!

tomorrow's going to be fun!

Anonymous said...

Trousers are too baggy in the crotch (which is a punishable offense when Beautiful Adam is the victim), coat is too tight and waist is too high. Furthermore, WHY is Adam doing this dreadful turn as the fashion commentator for E.T.? Would Bono do it? Would Sting? This is beneath Adam and also smacks of stereotyping. Don't care if Adam is dying to do it- would never happen on my watch.

Anonymous said...

I SO agree with the previous post - regarding this career choice. I've posted about it before. I hope it doesn't affect his credibility as a singer - since we all know there is no better singer and entertainer in the business. It's so unusual for that, charisma, intelligence, wow factor, drop dead gorgeous looks, kindness, - I could go on and on - to all be in one package. Adam is positive light, energy and happiness and I guess we better get used to it. He just makes people feel good and everyone wants him.

Anonymous said...

If he's not presenting or singing, what better way to make a statement!!!

Anonymous said...

I tend to agree that I kringed a little when it was announced he was going to do this,as, I was afraid he would come accross as a "kid" playing at being a "rock star" and also felt it might be time for him to disappear for a few days as it almost seems as if he is getting too much press, if that is possible. In retrospect, he may be getting exposure any way he can, as he was not getting the radio play that he should have for a while there. (Has that improved with all his appearences??). Also, I think he is making money any way he can, trying to take advantage of his so called "15" minutes while he can, and, I might add, spending it too!! I hope he has a good accountant or a family member to help him stay grounded. I forget how young he, really, still is. He is doing a lot of things right and the mistakes he may be making now will subside with experience and possibly going overseas, on tour. So, more power to him and I hope he has fun!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, aren't we trying to control Adam's life!!! Goodness. Just enjoy and wish him luck. He's living his life, not your vision of what his life should be. So much criticism. I forgot I was on an pro-Adam site. Or am I? Geezzzzzzzz

Anonymous said...

Guys, Adam is doing this because its always been HIS dream to do it! It was his own idea,he has said so himself.. Ya know ts gonna be fab (just like everything else he does) so chill! I'm looking forward to the Grammy's more than ever because I can't wait to see his commentary! Also its gonna be so much fun watching the stars falling over themselves to meet him haha!