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AdamOfficial - Adam's Track-by-Tracks "Loaded Smile"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, February 6, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, February 06, 2010


Anonymous said...

It is indeed a beautiful song. Adam's vocal is UNBELIVABLE!!
Love it, love it!!! Linda Perry is a very talented song writer/ producer.

Please vote vh1 top 20. Adam is num, 2 this week.

Anonymous said...

I love Adam's falsetto range - that, and his rock-god/I'm-never-coming-up-for-air scream, are what blew me away when I'd watch him on Idol. He is a sexy beast. Look at him in this video. Sexy. I wanna kiss him. Oh my!

Anonymous said...

I could listen to ADAM talk all day ... he's so smart & eloquent & soooo easy to look into his EYES ... LOVE HIS SMILE TOO

Anonymous said...

I really want to like this song, really really do, but I cant. The vocals are beautiful, but the lyrics and tune aren't memorable for me, and it's sad because his voice is so beautiful. It just doesn't have the memorability or weight the other slower songs have. I hate to say it, but I think Linda Perry have him kinda a throwaway. Which makes it even more sad being that it's Adam singing it and she's one of the top writers in the industry.

~ Emmaline ~

Anonymous said...

"Loaded smile" was definitely the song which most often got me analyzing the lyrics and I often thought about how contradicting they are. I didn't like the song at first, but lately I've discovered something emotional and spooky about it and now I think it's one of the most interesting songs on the album. I'm really glad Adam told us how he interpets the song- that it's two different people. I like that perspective. I always thought it to be one person who is completely lost in what they feel. thanks again Adam for the dish on the song!

Anonymous said...

Loaded Smile is one of my favorites. The music and lyrics are kinda sad though.