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Shy Adam Lambert Comes to Town

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, February 6, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, February 06, 2010



Anonymous said...

I think Adam would be a wonderful judge on American Idol... A lot nicer and more educated than this other candidate, what's his name again? Ah, yes, Howard Stern. Major douchebag.

Anonymous said...

Who's "SHY ADAM LAMBERT" ?????

Anonymous said...

Was the "shy" supposed to be sarcastic?

Anonymous said...

I would def LOVE to see ADAM as a guest judge on Idol. It might give the show a shot in the arm & the ratings would go through the ROOF!!

Anonymous said...

i don't like this article. it completely focuses on the things which are not important when it comes to Adam. I think it outlines the controversy and gayness and makes him out to be somebody he isn't really. He's just a nice, sweet optimistic guy who is insanely musical talented. that's not portrayed here at all. the authour is a dope saying all that shit about the make-up. Adam is natural in his glamness.:)

Anonymous said...

Ditto to the above. The picture is amazing!