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Behind the scenes at Adam Lambert's AOL Sessions recording sesion.

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, February 4, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, February 04, 2010


Anonymous said...

He looks AMAZING. When can we see the whole thing?
I love Adam he is Adam the Rock God. Let's not compare him to anything!
He is Adam lambert who has SOOO much talent and sexiness to fill the whole WORLD!!!
Amazing guy. Love him so much!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam is having a torrid love affair with the cameras. Whooo! Hooo! MORE! PLEASE!

Anonymous said...

Love this look! When and where is this going to be aired??
I am so ready for another single and video!

h235 said...

THought they were supposed to be out already but his isnt on the list at AOL?